Use Python to analyze the distribution relationship between Luckin and Starbucks nationwide stores

Will Luckin shake Starbucks’ industry status? Last month, Luckin Coffee’s sauce latte became popular, putting Luckin in the spotlight again. The last time was when it committed financial fraud. The domestic coffee market has been booming in recent years, driving the rapid development of many coffee brands including Luckin. From 2013 to 2023, China’s per […]

cocosCreator’s dispatchEvent event distribution

Version: 3.8.0 Language: TypeScript Environment: Mac Node event dispatch cocosCreator supports using Node nodes for event dispatch (dispatchEvent). The event dispatch system is implemented in accordance with the Web’s event bubbling and capturing standards. Event dispatch is mainly passed to the parent node gradually through bubbling. After distribution, it will go through the following stages: […]

Face detection small target recognition algorithm based on YOLOv8: Gold-YOLO, information aggregation and distribution (Gather-and-Distribute Mechanism) mechanism | Huawei Noah NeurIPS23

Improvements in this article:NewGather-and-Distribute Mechanism GD mechanism, replacing YOLOv8 Neck, achieving innovation In the face detection small target recognition algorithm of Gold-YOLO, [email protected] is increased from the original 0.929 to 0.935, and mAP50-95 is increased from the original 0.43 to 0.435 YOLOv8 improvement column: The senior sister will take you to learn YOLOv8, from entry […]

SpringBoot integrates RabbitMQ+ (five distributions of MQ)

SpringBoot integrates MQ What is MQ? MQ is a message queue, which is mainly responsible for receiving and sending messages. Its function is to help projects achieve traffic peak reduction, application coupling, and asynchronous under high concurrency conditions. Implementedand can persist the message to ensure that the message is not lost. The four cores of […]

Graduation project of cold chain logistics distribution system based on Springboot+vue

Get resources at the end of the article, collect and follow them to avoid getting lost Article directory Preface 1. Research background 2. Research significance 3. Mainly used technologies 4. Research content 5. Core code 6. Article Table of Contents Foreword With the development of information technology, management systems are becoming more and more mature. […]

Android registration screen touch event interception event distribution

Android registration screen touch event interception event distribution Preface Native sliding return gesture interception distribution analysis end Foreword After receiving the demand, it is necessary to realize the corresponding function to be triggered by sliding up and down with two fingers on the screen, and to intercept sliding conflicts; Currently, many types of functions can […]

Android: event distribution mechanism (2)

This article is mainly after the review of the first article, adding some two points that were not written in the previous article. The entry point for the first one is this. [Processing cascading views and wanting to execute the click event of the next layer of views] The principle behind it. To process cascading […]

Cross-adversarial local distribution regularization for semi-supervised medical image segmentation

Introduction to knowledge ##Smoothness assumption The reason for the smoothness assumption in semi-supervised image segmentation is that adjacent pixels in an image often have similarities in color, texture, or brightness. This assumption is one of the foundations of semi-supervised segmentation methods, which helps improve the accuracy of segmentation, especially when there is only a small […]

Principle and application of Monte Carlo method Approximate distribution of statistics and quantile calculation Python drawing demonstration

Directory 1 Preliminary introduction and basic principles of Monte Carlo probability method 1.1 Definition of Monte Carlo method 1.2 Origin of Monte Carlo method 1.3 Examples of Monte Carlo methods 2 Use Monte Carlo to calculate statistical distribution and quantile 2.1 Description of mathematical statistics problems 2.2 Normal distribution and exponential distribution 2.3 Empirical distribution […]