Simple application of C# NamedPipe pipeline

Used for data exchange between two processes on the same computer 1. Declare the pipeline identification name serverName, and the server and client are created based on this 2. Create a server NamedPipeServerStream to obtain the reading data stream (StreamReader) and writing data stream (StreamWriter); then wait for the client to connect serverStream_m.WaitForConnection(); after the […]

BPE, WordPiece and SentencePiece

BPE, WordPiece and SentencePiece Jarkata focuses on IP jurisdiction: Shanghai 0.4252022.04.25 10:59:56 Word Count 2,726 Reading 10,692 1. Background and foundation When using the GPT BERT model to input words, tokenization is often performed first. What are the specific goals and granularity of tokenize? Tokenize also has many categories, advantages and disadvantages. This article summarizes […]

SystemVerilog DPI usage process based on Questasim

1. Preface DPI is the abbreviation of Direct Programming Interface, which provides an interface for SystemVerilog to interact with other programming languages (especially C language). It allows programmers to easily call C functions from SystemVerilog, and C functions can also call Systemverilog functions. DPI greatly facilitates the use of existing C code. You can use […]

[Create tokenizer by yourself] (1) – WordPiece tokenizer

【Create your own tokenizer】WordPiece tokenizer 【Create your own tokenizer】BPE tokenizer 【Create your own tokenizer】Unigram tokenizer 1 overall step Word segmentation includes the following steps: Normalization (Normalization, necessary cleaning of the text, such as removing spaces, accents, Unicode standardization, etc.). Pre-tokenization (split the input into words). Pass the input to the model (Model, which uses pre-tokenized […]

Qt’s high DPI display (2) – Adaptive solution analysis

Qt’s high DPI display (2) – Adaptive solution analysis </h1> <div class=”clear”></div> <div class=”postBody”> <div id=”cnblogs_post_body” class=”blogpost-body cnblogs-markdown”> Table of contents 1. Review 2. Framework Description 1. ICallDPIChanged 2. IDPI Helper 3. Suspended form manager 3. Program analysis 1. Window size 2. Font size 3. Spacing 4. Icon 4. Related Articles Original link: Qt High […]

GPDB-kernel feature-UDPIFC timeout retransmission

GPDB-kernel feature-UDPIFC timeout retransmission GreenPlum uses UDP protocol for data transmission by default. When network congestion occurs, a timeout retransmission is implemented to resolve the congestion. 1, unack_queue_ring queue The basic data structure for timeout retransmission is the unack_queue_ring queue. as the picture shows: 1) currentTime is used to mark which time period checkExpiration is […]

JS image processing, various file format conversion, base64 file download, image rotation, image setting transparency, modify image dpi

import changeDpi from ‘./changeDpi’ /** * Convert base64 to blob * @param {*} base64Data * @param {*} type file type * @returns */ export function base64ToBlob(base64Data, type) { const bytes = window.atob(base64Data.split(‘,’)[1]) const array = [] for (let i = 0; i < bytes. length; i ++ ) { array.push(bytes.charCodeAt(i)) } return new Blob([new Uint8Array(array)], […]

NDPI binding network card data acquisition details

Test environment root@ubuntu:/home/test/Downloads# kubectl get pod -o wide NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE IP NODE NOMINATED NODE READINESS GATES nginx-66857ff745-zbmz2 1/1 Running 1 (16m ago) 13h node1 <none> <none> tomcat01-69fc8f859b-4kl87 1/1 Running 1 (16m ago) 12h node1 <none> <none> CNI0 container tomcat01 curl nginx Master Protocol: UNKNOWN, App Protocol: HTTP, Category: WEB { […]