Extract data from IFC file in PowerBI

Recommended: Use NSDT editor to quickly build programmable 3D scenes In this post, I’ll walk through the steps to extract data from an IFC file to create the Shift IFC4PowerBI function. By understanding this workflow, you can more easily incorporate IFC data into your own processes. In this article, we will focus on the metadata […]

How to understand the Ministry of Transport EDI message: manifest message IFCSUM

Sending direction of manifest message IFCSUM Sender: Shipping company, shipping agent Recipient: container terminal, tally, port surveillance, etc. Function of manifest message IFCSUM This document corresponds to the manifest subset of the IFCSUM message, providing information on the cargo transported on a certain voyage, describing the carrier, mode of transport, means of transport, equipment and […]

It’s 2023, stop using ifconfig! Try this!

Good afternoon, my internet worker friends. How many people are using ifconfig? Raise your hand and see It is always said that ifconfig is about to be eliminated, but in fact many network workers are still using it. For example, use a combination of command line tools such as ifconfig, route, arp, and netstat (from […]

Redhat7/CentOS7 network configuration and management (nmtui, nmcli, GNOME GUI, ifcfg file, IP command)

Background: As a system administrator, you often need to deal with host network problems, and there are several methods and tools for configuring and managing the network. Here are a few ways to organize and share the network configuration and management. 1. Overview of NetworkManager In Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, default networking services are […]

Linux network commands – ifconfig, ifup, ifdown

Overview of ifconfig, ifup, ifdown The purpose of these three commands is to start the network interface. However, ifup and ifdown only start or close the ifcfg-ethx (x is a number) in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts, and cannot directly modify network parameters. , unless the ifcfg-ethx file is adjusted manually. As for ifconfig, you can directly manually give […]

Linux environment: ifconfig command to view the results: network card information description

The output of the ifconfig command contains detailed information of all network interfaces in the current system, mainly including: Network interface name: such as “eth0” means the first Ethernet card. MAC address: Each network card has a unique MAC address for addressing in the LAN. IP address: The IP address of the network card, used […]

GPDB-kernel feature-UDPIFC timeout retransmission

GPDB-kernel feature-UDPIFC timeout retransmission GreenPlum uses UDP protocol for data transmission by default. When network congestion occurs, a timeout retransmission is implemented to resolve the congestion. 1, unack_queue_ring queue The basic data structure for timeout retransmission is the unack_queue_ring queue. as the picture shows: 1) currentTime is used to mark which time period checkExpiration is […]

In Ubuntu, a super detailed explanation of the meaning of `ifconfig` and `ip a` command output information (used to display and configure network interfaces)

In Ubuntu, super detailed explanation of ifconfig and ip a command output meaning (used to display and configure network interface) Be sure to install before running: sudo apt install net-tools It outputs the following: Interface Name: ? It is an identifier for a network interface, usually starting with eth or wlan followed by a number. […]