Stack OJ question (reverse Polish expression evaluation + bracket matching + stack entry and exit sequence matching + minimum stack)

Article directory Stack practice questions 1. Evaluation of reverse Polish expression 1. Question 2. Ideas 3. Problem solving steps 4. Code 2. Bracket matching 1. Question 2. Ideas 3. Problem solving steps 4. Code 3. Matching of stack entry and exit sequence 1. Question 2. Ideas 3. Problem solving steps 4. Code 4. Minimum stack […]

Performance evaluation indicators (precision, recall, ROC, AUC)

Empirical error, overfitting, underfitting Empirical error, overfitting, and underfitting are common concepts in machine learning, and they are related to the performance and generalization ability of the model. Empirical Error refers to the error or loss on the training data. It is derived by applying the model to the training data and calculating the difference […]

Model evaluation: P-R curve and ROC curve

Table of Contents 1. Model evaluation criteria 2. P-R curve Precision, Recall and F1 score confusion matrix Precision Recall F1 score 3. ROC curve TPR and FPR AUC 4. Summary 1. Model Evaluation Criteria Model evaluation metrics are used to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of different models. In classification tasks, the simplest evaluation indicators […]

DOTA dataset evaluation method–yolov8_obb–DOTA_devkit

yolov8-pose key point detection DOTA data format mAP calculation tool: DOTA_devkit. Download address: Can refer to: 1. Use the file to calculate the mAP value. DOTA format . ├── images └── labelTxt Installation tutorial: (It is recommended to install the environment on Linux system, Windows has many problems) 1. First install swig; […]

Performance Evaluation | GreatDB VIP PLUGIN Plan VS MySQL InnoDB Cluster High Availability Plan

Foreword Recently, we have communicated and investigated with many database users and learned that a considerable number of MySQL high-availability or failover solutions currently in production use the read-write separation function or the business access VIP (Virtual IP Address) method. to shield the backend database architecture. In MySQL, the VIP mechanism is generally completed with […]

Class-guaranteed evaluation: Linux host evaluation

Instructions for consumption (It is recommended to use PC to view) “>xxxxxx” in the box indicates that it should contain the following configuration or parameter configuration, for example: cat /etc/login.defs > PASS_MAX_DAYS 90 # Maximum number of days for password > PASS_MIN_DAYS 1 # Minimum number of days for password > PASS_MIN_LEN 8 # Minimum […]

[HC32L196PCTA evaluation] 6.LCD+WDT+RTC+FLASH test

6.1LCD test HC32L196 integrates an LCD control module. There is also a 4-digit segment code LCD screen on this development board. Next, use this segment code screen combined with a timer to make a stopwatch. LCD related IO has been defined in stkhc32l19x.h Initialize IO copy void lcd_io_init() { Sysctrl_SetPeripheralGate(SysctrlPeripheralGpio,TRUE); Gpio_SetAnalogMode(STK_LCD_COM0_PORT, STK_LCD_COM0_PIN); //COM0 Gpio_SetAnalogMode(STK_LCD_COM1_PORT, STK_LCD_COM1_PIN); […]