[Fault Diagnosis] Automatically identify candidate fault frequencies based on local features of SCoh (Fault identification of CFF rolling bearings with matlab code

?About the author: A Matlab simulation developer who loves scientific research. He cultivates his mind and improves his technology simultaneously. For cooperation on MATLAB projects, please send a private message. Personal homepage: Matlab Research Studio Personal credo: Investigate things to gain knowledge. For more complete Matlab code and simulation customization content, click Intelligent optimization algorithm […]

[Fault Diagnosis] Automatically identify candidate fault frequencies based on local features of SCoh (Fault identification of CFF rolling bearings with matlab code

?About the author: A Matlab simulation developer who loves scientific research. He cultivates his mind and improves his technology simultaneously. For cooperation on MATLAB projects, please send a private message. Personal homepage: Matlab Research Studio Personal credo: Investigate things to gain knowledge. For more complete Matlab code and simulation customization content, click Intelligent optimization algorithm […]

Based on the full range of YOLOv5[n/s/m/l/x] parameter models, an intelligent and precise detection, identification and counting system for wheat ears was developed and constructed.

In the previous article, we have developed and practiced the detection of wheat grains and wheat ears. If you are interested, you can read it by yourself: “Development and construction of an intelligent and accurate detection, identification and counting system for wheat ear particles based on YOLOv5[n/s/m/l/x] full series of parameter models” “Development and construction […]

Week T7 – Coffee Bean Identification (VGG-16)

Article directory 1. Import data 2. Load data 3. Visualize data 4. Configure the data set 5. Construct VGG-16 network structure (1) Analysis of advantages and disadvantages of VGG: (2) Calling method: official model call, or write your own code to build it (3)Network structure: 6.Training (1) Set loss function, optimizer, and evaluation indicators (2)Training […]

“Data Structure, Algorithm and Application C++ Language Description”-Application of Queue-Graph Element Identification Problem

“Data Structure, Algorithm and Application C++ Language Description”-Application of Queue-Graph Element Identification Problem For the complete compilable and running code, see: Github::Data-Structures-Algorithms-and-Applications/_18Pixel_recognition/ Image element recognition Problem description The digitized image is an mxm matrix of pixels. In a monochrome image, each pixel is either 0 or 1. Pixels with a value of 0 represent the […]

2023 Electronic Product Design and Production Competition Questions (Simulated Industrial Conveyor Belt Item Identification System)

2023 Electronic Product Design and Production Competition Questions (Simulating Industrial Conveyor Belt Item Identification System) Question part: The competition questions will be uploaded to the resources at the end. I participated in the design and production of intelligent electronic products this year, and my results were not very satisfactory. I am in the third grade […]

Week T6 – Hollywood Star Identification (CNN)

Article directory 1. Preliminary work 1. Import local data 3. View data 2. Data preprocessing 1. Load data 2. Visualize data 3. Check the data again (check whether the size of the data is consistent with the data set when loading) 4. Configure the data set 3. Build CNN network 4. Training model 1. Set […]

Based on YOLOv5[n/s/m/l/x] full range of parameter models, an intelligent and accurate detection, identification and counting system for wheat ear particles was developed and constructed.

Counting wheat ear particles or other crop particles is a very tedious and boring matter. It is best to leave this kind of thing to a program. I am currently working on a project, and the topic given by the instructor is related to agriculture. Yes, what I want to do here is to develop […]

Graduation project – Research on garbage identification and classification algorithm based on Pytorch deep neural network

In modern social life and production activities, it is inevitable to generate huge amounts of various wastes. Our country’s population and economic aggregate rank among the top in the world. Therefore, we are bound to face the problem of huge amounts of garbage disposal. How to effectively classify garbage through artificial intelligence has become a […]

Graduation project – design and implementation of garbage identification and classification algorithm based on OpenCV

Design and implementation of garbage identification and classification algorithm based on OpenCV detect.py is the reference code for video target detection, using Opencv, including three methods: knn, mog2, and grabcut, which can be selected according to the actual effect. Garbage classification based on MobileNet V3 Program structure main.py: model training code inference.py: forward propagation config.py: […]