05-AOP practical application scenarios

AOP practical cases Transaction Control In a business process, multiple DML statements may need to be completed together, so in order to ensure data security, it is necessary to add transaction control code to ensure that multiple DML statements succeed or fail at the same time The code format for controlling transactions for each business […]

14. W5100S/W5500+RP2040 Raspberry Pi Pico<NetBIOS>

Article directory 1 Introduction 2 Introduction 2.1 What is NetBIOS? 2.2 Advantages of NetBIOS 2.3 How NetBIOS works 2.4 NetBIOS application scenarios 3 WIZnet Ethernet chip 4 NetBIOS network setting example overview and usage 4.1 Flowchart 4.2 Core preparation work 4.3 Connection method 4.4 Main code overview 4.5 Results demonstration 5 things to note 6 […]

iOS in-app packet capture, NSURLProtocol intercepts network requests within APP

Foreword When developing, you need to obtain data in the SDK. Since you cannot see the code, you can only monitor all network request data and intercept the corresponding return data. This can be achieved through NSURLProtocol, and can also be used to interact with H5. 1. NSURLProtocol intercepts requests 1. Introduction to NSURLProtoco Official […]

[redis] The ssm project integrates redis, redis annotation caching and application scenarios, redis breakdown, penetration, and avalanche solutions

Table of Contents 1. Integrate redis 1 Introduction 1.1. redis (Remote Dictionary Server) 1.2. MySQL 1.3. Difference 2. Integration 2.1. Configuration 2.2. File configuration 2.3. Key generation rule method 2.4. Attention 2. redis annotation cache 1. @Cacheable annotation 2. @CachePut annotation 3. @CacheEvict annotation 4. Application scenarios 3. Redis breakdown and penetration avalanche 1. Cache […]

HttpClient optimization solution in high concurrency scenarios, QPS is greatly improved!

Taro Source Code 2023-10-14 10:14 Published in Shanghai This is a community that may be useful to you One-on-one communication/interview brochure/resume optimization/job search questions, welcome to join the “Yudao Rapid Development Platform” Knowledge Planet. The following is some information provided by Planet: “Project Practice (Video)”: Learn from books, “practice” from past events “Internet High Frequency […]

iOS uses NSURLSession to implement background upload and download

The basic logic of NSURLSession background upload is: first create a background mode NSURLSessionConfiguration, then create an NSURLSession through this configuration, then create the relevant NSURLSessionTask, and finally process the relevant proxy events. 1. Create NSURLSession – (NSURLSession *)backgroundURLSession { static NSURLSession *session = nil; static dispatch_once_t onceToken; dispatch_once( & amp;onceToken, ^{ NSURLSessionConfiguration* sessionConfig = […]

Integrate UniLinks with Flutter (Android AppLinks + iOS UniversalLinks)

Let’s integrate UniLinks using Flutter Mobile and Flutter Web. Step by step guide! I’m Pedro Dionísio, a Flutter developer at InspireIT in Portugal, and I wrote this UniLinks tutorial with the motto: Firebase DynamicLinks is deprecated and like Firebase says in its documentation it should no longer be implemented (I was using it and since […]