Wot Design Uni has launched the new Navbar custom navigation bar component, come in and see the effect!

Navbar navigation bar Provide navigation function for the page, often used at the top of the page. Address Github Documentation website plug-in market QQ group Look at the interactive effect first ::: tip FAQ Is the right icon blocked by the mini program capsule? When the custom top navigation is turned on on the mini […]

ROS operation management – meta-function package and launch file

ROS meta-function package Meta-function package: Package multiple different sub-level function packages into one function package. When you need to install multiple modules, you can directly call the packaged function package. This package is also called a meta-function package (metapackage) First create a function package Then modify package.xml <exec_depend>Integrated function package</exec_depend> ….. <export> <metapackage /> </export> […]

Launch the camera in Android development and take pictures to save them

Android launch camera code show as below: Apply for permission Apply for permission on AndroidManifast <uses-permission android:name=”android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE” /> Launch camera In Android 6.0 (API23) and above, not only do you apply for permissions in Android Manifast, but you also need to dynamically obtain permissions at startup. if (ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, Manifest.permission.CAMERA) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { //Determine whether to […]

Photoshop and Web technology are perfectly integrated, and the Web version of Photoshop has officially launched

The partnership between Chrome and Adobe makes bringing the Photoshop desktop app to the web a major milestone with support for WebAssembly + Emscripten, Web Components + Lit, Service Workers + Workbox, and support for new Web APIs. Now you can use highly complex and graphics-intensive software on your browser by simply visiting photoshop.adobe.com (Note: […]

[Transfer] [VS Code] Configuration file Launch and shortcut keys

Ctrl + shift + p, then enter launch, click the first option to configure. Then select More The specific configuration can be modified as: { “version”: “0.2.0”, “configurations”: [{ “name”: “LaunchChrome”, “type”: “chrome”, “request”: “launch”, “url”: “http://localhost:4200”, “sourceMaps”: true, “webRoot”: “${workspaceRoot}”, “userDataDir”: “${workspaceRoot}/.vscode/chrome” }] } Configuration explanation version: You define the version of this configuration […]

Detailed syntax analysis of ROS launch

roslaunch is a tool in ROS (Robot Operating System) used to launch ROS nodes and related configuration files. It uses XML-formatted files to describe how to start one or more ROS nodes as well as their parameters and namespace. The following is the basic structure and common elements of a roslaunch file: 1. launch file […]

macOS Sonoma launches today, improving productivity and creative workflows

macOS Sonoma launches today, improving productivity and creative workflows macOS Sonoma 14 (23A344) official version released, ISO, IPSW, PKG download The macOS software package downloaded from this site can be dragged and dropped to Applications for direct installation, you can also create a startup USB disk for installation, or start the installation in a virtual […]

Launcher3-Four ways to customize Workspace

There are four ways to load layout resources in Launcher’s workspace. The loading entrance is in LauncherProvider.java. Understanding these four loading methods will be very helpful for us to develop launcher, customize workspace, and share direct resources between two applications. Create a ContentProvider when the launcher starts, and then call the call method packages\apps\Launcher3\src\com\android\launcher3\LauncherProvider.java public […]