[Flutter] Flutter uses url_launcher to open web pages in the application

[Flutter] Flutter uses url_launcher to open web pages in the application Article directory I. Introduction 2. Installation and basic configuration 3. How to use url_launcher 4. Supported URL schemes 5. Check supported solutions 6. Encoding URLs 7. Complete business code example 8. Summary 1. Preface URL initiation is a common feature in modern mobile application […]

Launcher process analysis

1.launcher startup process The corresponding apk is Launcher3QuickStep.apk, and the corresponding path is packages/app/Launcher Open AndroidManifest.xml, the main interface is com.android.launcher3.Launcher Check the boot log: Loaded persisted task is located in loadPersistedTaskIdsForUserLocked in frameworks\base\services\core\java\com\android\server\am\RecentTasks.java, add stack here to print Log.i(TAG, Log.getStackTraceString(new Throwable())); At this point the log prints as follows 1. Why is FallbackHome obtained […]

Android system startup process (8) – Launcher startup

1 Overview Launcher is an Android desktop application, and it is also an application that is automatically launched after the system initialization is completed. Launcher will start the pull-up process in the systemReady method of ActivityManagerService after the SystemServer process is initialized. Launcher saves the thumbnails of the applications used, as well as application information. […]

Android13-Modify the main interface apk placement (Launcher3)

Question: Customize the location of the apk on the home screen. Android is generally modified in launcher3. Code location: alps/vendor/mediatek/proprietary/packages/apps/Launcher3/res/xml/default_workspace_5x5.xml Specific code: — a/alps/vendor/mediatek/proprietary/packages/apps/Launcher3/res/xml/default_workspace_5x5.xml + + + b/alps/vendor/mediatek/proprietary/packages/apps/Launcher3/res/xml/default_workspace_5x5.xml @@ -70,8 + 70,9 @@ launcher:screen=”0″ launcher:x=”0″ launcher:y=”4″ – launcher:packageName=”com.android.documentsui” – launcher:className=”com.android.documentsui.LauncherActivity” /> + launcher:packageName=”com.google.android.apps.youtube.music” + launcher:className=”com.google.android.apps.youtube.music.activities.MusicActivity” /> + <resolve launcher:screen=”0″ @@ -86,8 + 87,9 @@ launcher:screen=”0″ […]

RK356x Android11 replaces the default Launcher

1. Development environment ubuntu version: 18.04 Development platform: RK356x Android version: android11 2. Purpose The android11 system comes with a launcher Launcher3, under packages/apps/Launcher3 under the android source code path, now we need to put our own Launcher on the android source code, so that our Launcher will automatically run when the system starts, so […]

In the Android12.0 Launcher3 workspace, the pageview horizontal bar indicator is replaced by a dot indicator

In the Android12.0 Launcher3 workspace, the pageview horizontal bar indicator is replaced by a dot indicator The basic idea is as follows: 1. Modify the launcher.xml layout file and replace it with dots 2.WorkSpace inherits the incoming dot object PageIndicatorDots 3. Slide the horizontal bar indication left and right to replace the animation indicated by […]

ActivityResultLauncher does not need to be registered in advance, it is implemented in JAVA. It is very convenient to use, you can directly copy the code and get it to use in the project.

First generate a URI: private Uri getUri(String dir, String suffix) {<!– –> File root = new File(requireActivity().getCacheDir(), dir); if (!root. exists()) {<!– –> root.mkdirs(); } File file = new File(root, System. currentTimeMillis() + suffix); Uri uri = FileProvider.getUriForFile(requireActivity(), requireActivity().getPackageName() + “.fileprovider2”, file); return uri; } Then use directly: @Override protected void initView() {<!– –> binding.test6FragmentBtn.setText(“Take […]

Implementation and principle analysis of setting a third-party application as the default Launcher in Android system

Foreword In the Android system, the launcher is the main interface for the user to interact with the system. It is responsible for displaying the desktop, application list, widgets and other content. The Android system allows users to install third-party launcher applications to replace the system’s own launcher. But how to meet the customization requirements […]