Message middleware Rabbitmq

Table of Contents 1. What is message middleware? rabbitmq Common cluster preparation environment 2. Install rabbitmq Upload rabbitmq package Installed on all three servers Start rabbitmq service Open rabbitmq’s web access interface (operate on all three platforms) ?edit Enable user remote login (operate on all three stations) Restart the rabbitmq service (operate on all three […]

RabbitMQ message middleware

1. Message middle key 1 Introduction Message middleware can also be called message queue, which refers to the use of efficient and reliable message delivery mechanism for platform-independent data exchange, and the integration of distributed systems based on data communication. By providing message passing and message queuing models, process communication can be extended in a […]

RabbitMQ middleware (message queue)

1. Concept 1. Message middleware Message middleware can also be called message queue, which refers to the use of efficient and reliable message delivery mechanism for platform-independent data exchange, and the integration of distributed systems based on data communication. By providing message passing and message queuing models, process communication can be extended in a distributed […]

ceph_msg message module_RDMA_Performance testing tool source code process

src/test/msgr/ server, server, establish connection MessengerServer Messenger *Messenger::create type=async + rdma, lname=server -> Messenger *Messenger::create new AsyncMessenger -> AsyncMessenger::AsyncMessenger dispatch_queue DispatchQueue(CephContext *cct, Messenger *msgr, string & name) local fast distribution, throttle lookup_or_create_singleton_object<StackSingleton> single->ready(transport_type) NetworkStack::create(cct, type) -> std::make_shared<RDMAStack>(c, t) RDMAStack::RDMAStack NetworkStack(cct, t) structure, the thread pool has 3 threads by default, create_worker(cct, type, worker_id) -> NetworkStack::create_worker […]

Message queue + how to ensure that messages are not lost + how to ensure the orderliness of messages + how to deal with message accumulation

1. Basic concepts of message queue The message queue model is divided into: queue model and publish/subscribe model. Introduction to the queue model: Producers send messages to queues. A queue can store messages sent by multiple producers, and a queue can also have multiple consumers. There is a competitive relationship between consumers, that is, each […]

Spring Boot message queue

This chapter will help you understand the basic principles of message queues; understand commonly used message middleware; understand RabbitMQ and its operating mechanism; and master the configuration of RabbitMQ as a message middleware. What is Spring Boot? Spring Boot is an open source framework provided by the Pivotal team that can simplify the creation and […]

nodejs operates rabbitMQ amqplib library message persistence

config.js const { MQ_HOST, HOST, MQ_PORT } = process.env; const mqHost = MQ_HOST || HOST || “”; const mqPort = MQ_PORT || 5672; const mqUsername = “root”; const mqPassword = “password”; const mqProtocol = “amqp”; const exchangeName = ‘exchange_direct_saas’; //switch const queueName = ‘queue_direct_saas’; const routingKey = ‘saasIsolution’;//routing key const config = { mqHost, mqPort, […]

10. SpringCloud Stream message driver

1. Overview 1.1. Why should you learn it There are currently multiple versions of message broker middleware: RabbitMQ, Kafka, RocketMQ, ActiveMQ, etc. The problems caused are: Developers’ learning costs are high The cost of switching between multiple mqs is high Therefore, there is a need for a product so that our developers do not need […]

Centos8 compiles and installs nginx. When starting nginx, an error message appears. Job for nginx.service failed because the control process exited with error.

nginx compilation and installation Official source code package download address Example: Compile and install #1. Install related packages [root@test1 ~]# yum -y install gcc pcre-devel openssl-devel zlib-devel #Source code installation requires preparing a standard compiler in advance [root@test1 ~]# useradd -s /sbin/nologin nginx [root@test1 ~]# cd /usr/local/src/ #2. Unzip the package [root@test1 src]# tar […]