ceph_msg message module_RDMA_Performance testing tool source code process analysis_src_test_msgr_perf_msgr_server_client.cc

src/test/msgr/perf_msgr_server.cc server, server, establish connection MessengerServer Messenger *Messenger::create type=async + rdma, lname=server -> Messenger *Messenger::create new AsyncMessenger -> AsyncMessenger::AsyncMessenger dispatch_queue DispatchQueue(CephContext *cct, Messenger *msgr, string & name) local fast distribution, throttle lookup_or_create_singleton_object<StackSingleton> single->ready(transport_type) NetworkStack::create(cct, type) -> std::make_shared<RDMAStack>(c, t) RDMAStack::RDMAStack NetworkStack(cct, t) structure, the thread pool has 3 threads by default, create_worker(cct, type, worker_id) -> NetworkStack::create_worker […]

ROS rviz display (visualization_msgs/Marker)

Reference blog: (1) ROS’s rviz displays various methods of historical movement trajectories and paths (visualization_msgs/Marker, nav_msgs/Path) (2) ROS Notes visualization_msgs-Marker Learning (3) Publish odometer information based on ROS Reference documentation: (1) rvizDisplayTypesMarker (2) rvizTutorialsMarkers: Basic Shapes 0 Preface (1) In ROS, odom, base_link and map are common coordinate systems (frames) used for robot positioning and […]

Solve {error_code: 18, error_msg: Open api qps request limit reached}

Table of Contents Solve {‘error_code’: 18, ‘error_msg’: ‘Open api qps request limit reached’} Option 1: Reduce request frequency Option 2: Use an API key or token Option 3: Contact the API provider Scene description: Solution sample code: Solve {‘error_code’: 18, ‘error_msg’: ‘Open api qps request limit reached’} When developing APIs or using third-party APIs, we […]


Foreword This method comes from CVE-2021-22555. It is a very beautiful combination punch. Only a 1024 UAF can escalate privileges, but it is not suitable for small stacks of UAFs. Program analysis The startup script is as follows: #!/bin/sh qemu-system-x86_64 \ -m 256M \ -cpu kvm64, + smep, + smap \ -smp cores=2,threads=2 \ -kernel […]

[Resolved]error:error adding field item_price=java.math.bigdecimal:29 msg=for input string: “java.mat

Scene When springboot integrates Solr, use @Field(“”) to manage BigDecimal type data /** * Product price, unit: Yuan */ @Field(“item_price”) private BigDecimal price; An error occurred when adding data to Solr! ! ! ! ! ! ! Question org.springframework.dao.DataAccessResourceFailureException: Error from server at ERROR: [doc=536563] Error adding field ‘item_price’=’java.math.BigDecimal:299000.00’ msg=For input string: “java.math.BigDecimal:299000.00”; nested […]

Small target detection (3) – msgqueue multi-thread communication and multi-thread mutual exclusion programming

Article directory introduction text Code execution and threads Programming with std::mutex Basic usage of mutex Use of std::lock_guard The use of std::unique_lock The use of condition_variable Use of wait function The overall code of condition_variable Basic Statements of Multithreaded Programming Summarize quote Introduction In the process of learning the code of target detection given by […]

ROS: VScode development topic (msg), service (srv), action (action), TF, solve cannot open source file

1. Solve the problem that the source file cannot be opened Reason for error: The system cannot find the path corresponding to the .h file. After writing the msg, srv and action files, compile them (catkin_make). After compilation, msg, srv, and action will generate corresponding .h files. The corresponding .h file directory is under devel/include/function […]

Exception in thread “main“ ErrCode:-401, ErrMsg:Client not connected, current status:STARTING

2023-05-19 10:27:44,513 ERROR com.alibaba.nacos.common.remote.client – Send request fail, request = ConfigBatchListenRequest{headers={charset=UTF-8, Client-AppName=unknown, Client -RequestToken=c0aa96f42f13a342165bf7933d8a2d3e, Client-RequestTS=1684463264206, exConfigInfo=true, Timestamp=1684463264206}, requestId=’null’}, retryTimes = 2, errorMessage = Client not connected, current status: STARTING 2023-05-19 10:27:44,514 ERROR com.alibaba.nacos.client.config.impl.ClientWorker – Async listen config change error ErrCode: -401, ErrMsg: Client not connected, current status: STARTING at com.alibaba.nacos.common.remote.client.RpcClient.request(RpcClient.java:650) at com.alibaba.nacos.client.config.impl.ClientWorker$ConfigRpcTransportClient.requestProxy(ClientWorker.java:1007) at com.alibaba.nacos.client.config.impl.ClientWorker$ConfigRpcTransportClient.requestProxy(ClientWorker.java:986) at […]

Code reading record (8)-pointnet2_part_seg_msg

the whole frame class get_model(nn.Module): def __init__(self, num_classes, normal_channel=False): super(get_model, self).__init__() if normal_channel: additional_channel = 3 else: additional_channel = 0 self.normal_channel = normal_channel self.sa1 = PointNetSetAbstraction(npoint=512, radius=0.2, nsample=32, in_channel=6 + additional_channel, mlp=[64, 64, 128], group_all=False) self.sa2 = PointNetSetAbstraction(npoint=128, radius=0.4, nsample=64, in_channel=128 + 3, mlp=[128, 128, 256], group_all=False) self.sa3 = PointNetSetAbstraction(npoint=None, radius=None, nsample=None, in_channel=256 + 3, […]