Computer Java Project Recommendation Hospital Appointment Registration System Based on SSM_2

Project Introduction : The system is designed with three user roles: administrator, user, and doctor. Basic functional modules include doctor scheduling, online appointment registration, payment, medical record inquiry, prescription viewing, etc. Compared with other information management systems, this system has more special functions, such as department screening of doctors, medical record inquiry, etc. Users can […]

Design and implementation of java graduation project based on spingboot+vue questionnaire system

Collect and follow to avoid getting lost, end of source code article Article directory Preface 1. Project introduction 2. Development environment 3. Function introduction 1 Administrator use case 2User use cases 4. Core code 5. Effect drawing 6. Article Table of Contents Foreword With the rapid development of science and technology, all walks of life […]

Easily search for GitHub treasures! Find your ideal project quickly with these tips

“Blogger Profile” Hello friends, my name is A Xu. Focus on sharing research related to artificial intelligence AI, python, and computer vision. ?For more learning resources, you can follow Gong-Zhong-hao: [Axu Algorithm and Machine Learning] to learn and communicate together~ Thank you guys for liking and following! “——Recommended Classics from Previous Issues——“ 1. Practical Column […]

[Open Source Project] Research on snakeflow process engine

Project address (recommended) Common API Deployment process processId = engine.process().deploy(StreamHelper. getStreamFromClasspath(“test/task/simple/leave.snaker”), null, 10001L); Create process instance Order order = engine.startInstanceById(processId, “1”, args); Perform tasks List<Task> tasks = engine.executeTask(activeTasks.get(0).getId(), “1”); Get a person’s tasks that require approval List<Task> activeTasks2 = engine.query().getActiveTasks(new QueryFilter().setOperator(“admin”)); Leave process xml configuration <process displayName=”Leave process test” instanceUrl=”/snaker/flow/all” name=”leave”> <start […]

# Poverty alleviation and assistance system source code based on Java-SpringBoot2.X-VUE-Antd-MyBatis-Shiro-Graduation Project

Poverty alleviation system source code based on Java-SpringBoot2.X-VUE-Antd-MyBatis-Shiro-Graduation Project Introduction SpringBoot2. System overview diagram Contact the author This is the author’s WeChat QR code. If you need the source code of this project, you can scan the code or contact the author at VX:flyCoding2. Demo address Login address: Login account: admin Login password: 123456 […]

Enum enumeration type in Java is applied in projects

1. What is an enumeration type? 1. The essence of enumeration is the exhaustive method. List all possible situations and then call them in the listed situations. 2. Enumerations are similar to classes. They can also define attributes, constructors, and have getter and setter methods. 3. The values of enumeration type objects can be compared […]

JAVA Deepening Chapter_37 – TCP Communication Implementation and Project Cases

TCP communication implementation and project cases TCP communication implementation principle We mentioned that the TCP protocol is connection-oriented, and the client and server must establish a connection during communication. In network communication, the program that actively initiates communication for the first time is called the client program, or client for short, and the program that […]

How to use Trend Cloud GPU to run AI project online – deploy the latest ChatGLM3-6B model

Learning tutorial 1. Get free computing power Datawhale exclusive registration: Trend Cloud 2. Deploy the latest ChatGLM3-6B model 1. Create project After creating an account, enter your own space and click Create Project in the upper right corner. Give the project a name you like and choose local code Mirror selection pytorch2.0.1, python3.9 Select the […]