How to use Trend Cloud GPU to run AI project online – deploy the latest ChatGLM3-6B model

Learning tutorial 1. Get free computing power Datawhale exclusive registration: Trend Cloud 2. Deploy the latest ChatGLM3-6B model 1. Create project After creating an account, enter your own space and click Create Project in the upper right corner. Give the project a name you like and choose local code Mirror selection pytorch2.0.1, python3.9 Select the […]

# Development Trend Java Lambda Expression Part 3

Development Trend Java Lambda Expression Part 3 1. Lambda integration collection + common operations List Java Lambda expressions can be integrated with List collections and regular operations to provide a cleaner and more readable way to write code. Here are a few examples: Collection traversal operation: List<String> names = Arrays.asList(“John”, “Mary”, “Alice”); // Use foreach […]

Time series trend analysis: cyclical, seasonal, holiday effects

Topic 1 (Additional) Time Series Trend Analysis The Prophet model can capture various patterns in time series data, including periodicity (annual, quarterly, monthly, weekly), seasonality and holiday effects, etc., and can generate various components in the model, including trends, seasonality, Holiday effect. This helps explain trends and changes in time series data. seasonal_decompose is a […]

Front-end development trends: WebAssembly, PWA and responsive design

Article directory WebAssembly: Beyond JavaScript performance Progressive Web Apps (PWA): Offline availability and better user experience Responsive design: adapts to multiple devices Summarize Further reading Welcome to the Java learning route column ~ Front-end development trends: WebAssembly, PWA and responsive design ☆* o(≧▽≦)o *☆Hi~I am IT·Chen Han ?Blog homepage: IT·Chen Han’s blog This series of […]

ScienceAI case summary | Latest trends in medical research

This article is about 2100 words, it is recommended to read for 5 minutes AI is gradually changing the way scientific researchers conduct research. Through unsupervised learning and neural networks, AI can process large amounts of data in a short time and predict the results. In recent years, ScienceAI has made breakthroughs in many fields, […]

JS-ECharts-Front-end chart Multi-level joint pie chart, column stack chart, column/line combination chart, trend chart, custom midline, average line, bubble note point

The background of this blog is JavaScript. Get started quickly with ECharts online coding and draw relevant front-end visualization charts. ECharts official website: Some other recommendations: AntV: chartcube: Article directory 1. Pie chart 1.1 Regular pie chart 1.2 Multi-level pie chart/double-level pie chart 2. Histogram 2.1 Column stacked chart 3. Trend chart […]

The next leap in cloud computing: analysis of the latest trends in container orchestration and Kubernetes

Article directory The basics of containers and container orchestration What is a container? What is container orchestration? The rise of Kubernetes The latest trends in Kubernetes 1. Growth of the cloud-native ecosystem 2. Cloud native security 3. Edge computing support 4. Multi-cluster management 5. The rise of GitOps Summarize Welcome to the cloud computing technology […]

Python draws the evolution trend diagram of Logit dynamic evolution game

Tip: After the article is written, the table of contents can be automatically generated. For how to generate it, please refer to the help document on the right. Article directory Preface Python code 1. Import the library 2.Set parameters 3. Dynamic evolution equation 4. Solve differential equations 5. Computational drawing Summarize Related literature Foreword For […]