3. Watch listeners, filters and computed properties in vue

watch, computed properties and filters 1. watch (listener) ==1, 1 shallow monitoring== 1.2 Deep monitoring 1.3 Summary 2. filter (filter) 2.1 Local filter 2.2 Global filter ==3. computed(computed attribute)== 3.1 Basic use of computed 3.2 Summary 3. 3 Shopping cart case 1. watch(listener) 1, 1 shallow monitoring Function: Monitor changes in data data grammar: new […]

Vue2 (2): calculated properties, monitoring properties

Article directory 1. Computed properties 1.1 Use interpolation syntax and methods to splice names 1.2 Use computed properties to splice names 1.3 Abbreviation of computed properties 1.4 Summary of computed properties 2. Monitoring attributes-watch 2.1 Weather case foreshadowing 2.2 Lead to monitoring attributes (1). Pass in the watch configuration when new Vue (2). Monitor through […]

Error: ERROR Cannot read properties of null (reading type)

ERROR Cannot read properties of null (reading type’) TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading type’) <template> <el-card> <el-row :gutter=”20″ class=”header”> <el-col :span=”7″> <el-input placeholder=”Please enter the product category name…” v-model=”queryForm.query” clearable></el-input> </el-col> <el-button type=”primary” :icon=”Search” @click=”initBigTypeList”>Search</el-button> <el-button type=”primary” :icon=”DocumentAdd” @click=”handleDialogValue()”>Add product category</el-button> </el-row> <el-table :data=”tableData” stripe style=”width: 100%”> <el-table-column prop=”id” label=”#ID” width=”80″ /> <el-table-column […]

Java programming – multi-threading/multi-threading construction/multi-threading properties/thread interruption/thread status/thread waiting

Foreword Sail against the current, if you don’t advance, you will retreat! ! ! Processes and threads What is a process? Answer: A process is the smallest unit for the operating system to allocate resources. It is an instance of a running program, or a dynamic execution of an application. For example, when you open […]

Left and right linkage provide, inject+props, emit

Achieve results Chengdu Big Screen – Video Management Both the left and right are components, so it involves the parent component passing data to multiple child components. Method 1 provide, inject Directory Structure Parent component index.vue Methods to pass data and modify data using provide import {<!– –> provide} from “vue”; provide(“Provide_SelectedVideo”, {<!– –> videoList, […]

The combination of Vue’s routing query, name (path naming), and props configuration

The combination of Vue’s routing query, name (path naming), and props configuration Function: Pass parameters through query to improve the reusability of routing components Before learning, learn about it first The routing component instance has two properties: $route (will be called to the index.js file) and $router $route: Your own routing object. $router: Router object […]

CSS selector, CSS properties related

CSS selector CSS attribute selector Find tags by their attributes. Tags all have attributes. <div class=”c1″ id=”d1″></div> The id value and class value are attributes that come with each tag. There is another type: custom attributes. <div class=”c1″ id=”d1″ username=’kevin’ password=’123′></div> For username=’kevin’ password=’123′ attribute is the custom attribute of div tag Grouping and nesting […]

Series 42: Spring transaction propagation behavior case demonstration (2) #REQUIRED

1. Demonstrate Spring’s default propagation behavior (REQUIRED) 1.1. Data in the table before running 1.2, StockServiceImplREQUIRED /** * @Author: A leaf of duckweed returns to the sea * @Date: 2023/10/30 15:43 * @Description: Demonstrates the propagation behavior of REQUIRED * There is no external transaction: open a new transaction * External existing transaction: added to […]