go.DB enrichment analysis subset go subset offspring children multi-level structure go

#####Install archr package##Copy elsewhere .libPaths(c(“/home/data/t040413/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/4.2″,”/home/data/t040413/R/yll/usr/local/lib/R /site-library”, “/usr/local/lib/R/library”, “/home/data/refdir/Rlib/”, “/home/data/t040413/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/4.2”, “/usr/local/lib/R/ library”)) .libPaths() print(getwd()) dir.create(“/home/data/t040413/wpx/rna_protein”) setwd(“/home/data/t040413/wpx/rna_protein”) #https://www.jianshu.com/p/4b19e7a9bbd3 #https://www.jianshu.com/p/3e5be5e75b20 #https://www.jianshu.com/p/52f462fdb950 #https://www.biostars.org/p/294268/ #https://www.biostars.org/p/287871/ if (F) { library(DOSE) #BiocManager::install(“GOSemSim”) library(GOSemSim) library(clusterProfiler) library(org.Hs.eg.db) # library(org.Mm.eg.db) library(org.Rn.eg.db) library(dplyr) library(GO.db) # get_GO_data <- function(OrgDb, ont, keytype) { GO_Env <- get_GO_Env() use_cached <- FALSE if (exists(“organism”, envir=GO_Env, inherits=FALSE) & amp; & amp; exists(“keytype”, […]

Java processes mysql to obtain tree-shaped data with levels and subsets

Requires: After obtaining the data and generating tree data, it is required to return the number of return levels (level) and subsets (childCount), which is convenient for front-end processing. Processing: 1. When traversing, process it. (suitable for internal calls) 2. After the tree is generated, it traverses the processing. (suitable for external calls, the obtained […]

The el-cascader component realizes clicking and recursively checking all options of the linkage subset children to be selected.

html <!– First level column –> <div class=”one_column”> <span :active=”curTypeValue === 0″ @click=”clickType({ value: 0 })”>All</span> <span v-for=”(a, i) in types” :key=”i” :active=”curTypeValue === a.value” @click=”clickType(a)”>{<!– — >{ a.label }}</span> </div> <!– subset cascading menu –> <div class=”crumbs”> <el-cascader v-model=”curPathValue” :popper-class=”‘type-cascader'” :placeholder=”‘Enter keywords'” :props=”{ expandTrigger: ‘hover’, checkStrictly: false, multiple: true }” :options=”options” :separator=”‘ > ‘” […]

Simulation implementation of a subset of UNIX file system based on C language [100011206]

1. Experiment introduction The experiment requires everyone to complete a simulated implementation of a subset of the UNIX file system. Experiment tips and requirements: File volume structure design The node stack and space are 20 items. The i-node stack is the number of i-nodes stored in the memory, and it is saved in the form […]

Backtracking Algorithm part4 | 93. Restoring IP Address 78. Subset 90. Subset II

Article directory 93. Restoring IP address train of thought idea code official solution the code difficulty 78. Subset train of thought idea code official solution the code difficulty 90. Subset II train of thought idea code difficulty Harvest today 93. Restoring IP address 93. Restoring IP address Thoughts Refer to the problem of splitting strings, […]

High Integrity Systems Engineering (7): Safe Language Subsets, SPARK Ada

Directory 1 Introduction 2. SAFE LANGUAGE SUBSETS 2.1 Safe Languages Safe Language Definition 2.2 Design Space Security Language Design 2.3 Safe Subsets Safe Subset 2.3.1 Definition and advantages 2.3.2 NASA Subset C 2.3.3 Language Compliance Language Compliance 2.3.4 Predictable Execution Predictable execution 2.3.5 Defensive Coding Defensive coding 2.3.6 Code Clarity Code clarity 2.4 On simplicity […]

Biweekly competition 105 (greedy, memorized search => dynamic programming, subset backtracking, decomposing prime factors + union search)

Article directory Biweekly 105 [2706. Buy two chocolates](https://leetcode.cn/problems/buy-two-chocolates/) greedy [2707. Extra characters in a string](https://leetcode.cn/problems/extra-characters-in-a-string/) memory search Memory search ==> DP (recursion) [2708. The maximum strength of a group](https://leetcode.cn/problems/maximum-strength-of-a-group/) sort + greedy DFS enumerates all subsets Dynamic programming (O(n)) [2709. Greatest common divisor traversal](https://leetcode.cn/problems/greatest-common-divisor-traversal/) Decompose prime factor + union lookup Two-week competition 105 2706. Buy […]

The backtracking algorithm spikes all permutations-combinations-subset problems

Document reading document reading Form 1, the elements are non-repeatable and cannot be reselected, that is, the elements in nums are unique, and each element can only be used once at most, which is also the most basic form. No repetition is guaranteed by the selection of the for loop, and no multiple selection is […]