JAVA New Practice 4: Use JAVA to write a map tile download program and merge the tiles into large images in different levels

This article is full of work and uses code directly to show you how to write an autonomous and controllable map tile download program in Java, and merge the tiles into a large image hierarchically so that you can deploy your own tile map in geoserver. The environment covered in this article is as follows: […]

Add watermarks to WebGIS tile maps (vector tiles, raster tiles)

Watermark technology Watermark can provide strong evidence of the ownership of products receiving copyright information, and can monitor the spread of protected data, authenticate and control illegal copies, etc. It is also needed in today’s popular online maps Watermark technology protects map data. This article will introduce how to add watermarks to tile maps, including […]

Cesium clipping planes 3dtiles model sectioning 3dtiles model ground vue code

Article directory introduce 1. Effect 2. Implementation steps 1.add3DTiles() 2.createPlaneUpdateFunction() 3.mouseHandler() Summary of difficulties main code Introduction Use Cesium’s clippingPlanes to achieve the cutting effect of the 3dtiles model. Relevant official document addresses: ClippingPlaneCollection, Cesium3DTileset Official Demo address: 3D Tiles Clipping Planes Official introduction: Cesium Feature Highlight: Clipping Planes 1. Effect 2. Implementation steps 1.add3DTiles() […]

Utiles tool class upgraded version (including things) + three-tier architecture

1. The three-tier architecture is as follows: (1) Service layer: business logic layer (2) dao layer: data access layer (date Access Object) (2)web layer: presentation layer 2. Transfer system: 2.1 dao layer: only perform database addition, deletion, modification and query operations to implement the interface public interface AccountDao { //Get user information based on the […]

Lumen DirectLighting: CullTiles

SpliceCardPagesInotTiles: LumenSceneDirectLightingCulling.usf StructuredBuffer<uint> CardPageIndexAllocator; StructuredBuffer<uint> CardPageIndexData; RWStructuredBuffer<uint> RWCardTileAllocator; RWStructuredBuffer<uint> RWCardTiles; groupshared uint SharedTileAllocator; groupshared uint SharedTiles[ 8 * 8 ]; groupshared uint SharedGlobalTileOffset; [numthreads( 8 , 8 , 1)] void SpliceCardPagesIntoTilesCS( uint3 GroupId : SV_GroupID, uint3 DispatchThreadId : SV_DispatchThreadID, uint3 GroupThreadId : SV_GroupThreadID) { uint LinearThreadIndex = GroupThreadId.x + GroupThreadId.y * 8; if (all(GroupThreadId == […]

2. Arcgis api, openlayers, mapboxgl, leaflet, cesuim, Gaode api load offline tiles

arcgis api3.x, arcgis api4.x, openlayers, mapboxgl, leaflet, cesuim, Gaode api load offline tiles xzy can use arcgis server hexadecimal or decimal service can use tomcat, nginx, IIS service publishing 1. arcgis api3.x Here we take the 3857 coordinate system as an example customTileLayer.js define([“dojo/_base/declare”, “esri/layers/TiledMapServiceLayer”, “esri/SpatialReference”, “esri/geometry/Extent”, “esri/geometry/Point”, “esri/layers/TileInfo”], function (declare, TiledMapServiceLayer,SpatialReference, Extent,Point,TileInfo) {<!– –> […]

Android – Quick Settings Quick Settings Tile (create custom quick settings tiles)

Android – Quick Settings Quick Settings Tile (create custom quick settings tiles) Introduction Scenarios for Quick Settings tiles Create tiles Create custom icons Create and declare your tile service Manage your tile service TileService life cycle Select monitor mode Active mode (recommended) Non-active mode Tile status Update tiles Handle the tap event start dialog Start […]

3Dtiles file organization method based on b3dm

It was the second time before May 1st that I encountered the need to generate 3dtiles independently to display the 3d model in cesium. This time, when realizing this requirement, I found that there were many deficiencies in the understanding of the 3dtiles format. Taking advantage of the Dragon Boat Festival Record these understandings during […]

Using the QMetaTiles plugin in Qgis to download XYZ tiles offline

Directory foreword 1. Qgis plugin library 1. Introduction to plug-in library 2. Introduction to QMetaTiles Two, QMetaTiles plug-in installation 1. Online installation 2. Offline installation 3. Tile download 1. Open the QmeaTiles plugin 2. Leaflet loads the downloaded tiles Summarize Foreword Electronic maps are the cornerstone of map applications and serve as the basis of […]