Ten ways to achieve horizontal and vertical centering

This article is excerpted from my blog: Ten ways to achieve horizontal and vertical centering About the author: Hello everyone, I am MilesChen, a front-end full-stack developer. CSDN homepage: Cats who love eating candy My blog: Cats who love eating sugar Github homepage: MilesChen Support me: Like + Collection + Leave a message Introduction: The […]

iOS horizontal and vertical screen and status bar processing

When there are vertical and horizontal screen interfaces in development, we need to monitor screen rotation, force horizontal screen, force screen rotation after locking the orientation, etc. Here is a summary: 1. Horizontal and vertical screen configuration Globally supported directions require the following configuration: Way 1: Configuration Way 2: If the project configuration only supports […]

echart displays horizontal and vertical lines on polylines (horizontal and vertical lines are displayed along polylines)

The product has a requirement to display the horizontal and vertical coordinate system on the echart polyline. By default, echart’s axisPointer is displayed at the current position of the mouse, which does not meet the requirement, so it is implemented using markline Online examples and source code First the renderings Implementation ideas The x-axis of […]

Web front-end-CSS basics: selectors (tags, classes, ids, wildcards), box size and background color, text control properties, font size, font style, line height, vertical centering of single-line text, font family, font composite properties, text (indent, alignment, decorative lines, color

Release Notes Current version number [20230920]. Version Modification instructions 20230920 First edition Directory Article directory Release Notes Table of contents Knowledge overview map CSS basics First experience with CSS CSS introduction method Selector tag selector class selector id selector wildcard selector Box size and background color text control properties font size Font style (whether it […]

Use swiper to display multiple items at a time, arranged vertically, with multiple rows and columns

<view class=”markList”> <view class=”list”> <swiper class=”swiper1″ :indicator-dots=”indicatorDots”> <swiper-item v-for=”(item,index) in pbgoodlist” :key=”index” class=”swiperitem”> <view class=”tittle”>Hot Recruitment Blank Cities</view> <view class=”item”> <span v-for=”(item1,index1) in item.list” :class=”index1 <=2 ? ‘red’ : ”” :key=”index1″>{<!– –>{< !– –>index1 + 1}}.{<!– –>{<!– –>item1}}</span> </view> </swiper-item> </swiper> </view> </view> .markList {<!– –> margin: 45upx 30upx; .list {<!– –> background: #fff; border-radius: […]

Android development Jetpack Compose LazyColumn and LazyRow, LazyVerticalGrid, LazyHorizontalGrid, LazyVerticalStagg…

Foreword This blog explains LazyColumn and LazyRow, LazyVerticalGrid, LazyHorizontalGrid, LazyHorizontalGrid, LazyVerticalStaggeredGrid. In compose, LazyColumn and LazyRow are used to lazily load data, and they target the ListView and RecyclerView in the original xml. The LazyVerticalGrid and LazyHorizontalGrid are based on the original xml GridView, and the LazyHorizontalGrid and LazyVerticalStaggeredGrid are based on the original waterfall […]

Qt writing custom controls-vertical timeline

1. Preface The vertical timeline control is mainly used to describe major events in the development process of an enterprise, or the history of software version iterations, etc. It intuitively displays the development process through time nodes and event descriptions. Generally, this type of control is often seen on web pages or apps. Especially the […]