Unity configuration table reading – data storage – reading Excel files to cs files based on NPOI – reading xlsx files

Foreword In game companies, in order to facilitate the interaction of game data between programs and planners, Excel files are generally used. The program needs to write a program that reads xlsx files. It can export xlsx files to json, xml, cs files, etc. and store them for convenience. read This article introduces how to […]

Java Excel to PDF, supports xlsx and xls formats, itextpdf [ready to use]

Java Excel to PDF itextpdf, ready to use Tool method 1. How to use 1. Local conversion 2. Internet download 2. Introduction of pom dependencies 3. Tool methods 3. Citations This article mainly organizes the tools and methods. It is organized by referring to other bloggers’ articles for easy use. Tool methods 1. How to […]

[MySQL × SpringBoot whim] Comprehensive implementation process · interface for importing xlsx files and Excel tables into the database

Article directory [MySQL × SpringBoot Tips] Comprehensive implementation process·xlsx file, Excel table import interface to the database 1. Analyze the problem 2. Basic configuration 3. Databases and tables 4. Parsing of xlsx files 4.1 Import dependencies on related third-party libraries 4.2 Writing tool classes 4.3 Testing 4.4 Precautions 5. Table entity classes and implementation classes […]

The front-end vue implements exporting tables through XLSX and deduplicates and merges data

Front-end Vue implements exporting tables through XLSX and deduplicates and merges data 1. Install dependencies npm install xlsx –save npm install xlsx-style –save *There may be errors introduced at this time: This relative module was not found: ./cptable in ./node_modules/[email protected]@xlsx-style/dist/cpexcel.js ~Solution: //In \\ ode_modules\xlsx-style\dist\cpexcel.js line 807 // var cpt = require(‘./cpt’ + ‘able’); //Change to […]

Use NPOI in c# combined with Magicodes.IE.excel to convert xlsx files into xls files in memory

In the project, Magicodes.IE is used as the component to export excel, but it only supports the new format xlsx. If there is a need to export the old format xls file, we can only consider the conversion solution. After trying and searching through various solutions Related solutions: I found relevant code in an article […]

Java uses POI to read pictures in Excel tables (including embedded cell pictures, floating pictures, xls-2003, xlsx-2007)

1. The test files are as follows, xls-2003, xlsx-2007 2. Read floating pictures in the table 2.1 Before reading the table, you need to understand that the following is a method for reading image files in the entire workbook. However, the actual reading of image data often needs to correspond to other data. For example, […]

Java export to Excel tool: JXLS

Introduction Introduce maven dependencies code behind Create template XLS expression jx:area jx:each is the most commonly used xls expression jx:mergeCells merge cells Dynamic columns-comprehensive use Summarize Introduction I believe that everyone can often encounter the export of various excels on projects. Simple excel formats can be exported using simple poi, easyExcel and other tools. However, […]

Java implementation of .xlsx table export

1. Create a maven project and add dependencies <dependency> <groupId>javax.servlet</groupId> <artifactId>javax.servlet-api</artifactId> <version>3.1.0</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>hu.blackbelt.bundles.poi</groupId> <artifactId>org.apache.poi</artifactId> <version>4.1.2_2</version> </dependency> 2. Create entity class (Projectinfo) public class Projectinfo { // project name private String projectname; // district belong to private String belongzone; //Item category private String projecttype; //project manager private String projectmanager; //Project staff private String projectuser; […]

DataExcel control reads and saves excel xlsx format files

Need to reference the NPOI library https://github.com/dotnetcore/NPOI Call the Read function to read excel into the dataexcel control Call the Save function to save the dataexcel control file as an excel file using NPOI.HSSF.UserModel; using NPOI.HSSF.Util; using NPOI.SS.UserModel; using NPOI.SS.Util; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Drawing; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace Feng.DataTool { […]

jxls is exported according to template, application scenario: printing of various receipts

The project requires generating a receipt, which can be in excel, so I use the XLSTransformer method of jxls. Table of Contents Jar package preparation You can package the jar package into one transformXLS method, get the workbook, pass in the template and data String size check Excel template filling Generate an excel file after […]