VM virtual machine Centos7 installation docker docker deployment redis MySQL springboot project bridge access container

First install docker Reference link: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_39997939/article/details/131005939 First install some necessary packages: yum install -y yum-utils device-mapper-persistent-data lvm2 Then add the Docker repository: yum-config-manager –add-repo https://download.docker.com/linux/centos/docker-ce.repo Note: If the following error occurs, it is because this command is not installed by default on the system. This command is in the yum-utils package and can be installed […]

Bridge Pattern

Mode Motivation Bridge Pattern is a very practical structural pattern. If there are two independently changing dimensions for a certain class in the system, this pattern can separate the two dimensions. outso that both can be expandedindependently. The bridge pattern deals with the problems of multi-level inheritance in a clever way. It replaces traditional multiple […]

Linux Create Bridge

Install the Bridge tool package Linux can work in bridge mode. The bridge tool bridge-utils must be installed and run the command: ?yum install bridge-utils or apt-get install bridge-utils Linux KVM Bridge logical structure diagram Create a Bridge from the command line Note: The Brdge created through the command will be automatically lost after restarting, […]

Simulate container network using veth and bridge

Use veth and bridge to simulate container networks With the development of virtualization technology and containerization technology, we will use virtualization network technology in our work. To put it simply, previous network cards, switches, and routers can currently be simulated through operating systems using programs. Usually the most widely used are the following virtual devices: […]

Use C++/CLI to build a bridge between C++ and C#

This article is reprinted at: https://www.cnblogs.com/Roarsun/p/11019727.html 1. Simple usage C# and C++ are two very similar languages, but we often use them in two different places. Thanks to its concise syntax and rich class library, C# is often used to build business systems. C++ has the ability to access the underlying API and top-notch execution […]

ubuntu20.04 reports an error when running lvi-sam! I have been suffering from the conflict between the Opencv library and the cv_bridge package for a long time! ! ! !

Problem Description: My configuration: ubuntu20.04, the opencv library is the version opencv4.2.0 that comes with ROS, but I also have an opencv version 4.5.4. I don’t know why I downloaded it. So both version 4.2.0 and version 4.5.4 have library files…because the next problem has a lot to do with the opencv library. LVI-Sam was […]

WSL implements bridged networks and fixed IP addresses

WSL provides developers with great convenience during the Linux development process, but at the same time there are certain problems, that is, the IP address is not fixed. For embedded developers, it is not very friendly to debug the development board in a fixed network environment. Therefore, the author tried to implement a bridged network […]

AI and Machine Learning Can Help Us Bridge the Gap Betw

Author: Zen and the Art of Computer Programming 1. Introduction AI (Artificial Intelligence) and machine learning (Machine Learning) have become hot topics in various industries. Although the two have experienced years of development, there are still many gaps so far. AI can be understood as an artificial intelligence technology that allows machines to have autonomous […]

Discussion on cable force optimization technology for cable-stayed bridges combining simulated annealing method and cubic B-splines: collaboration between Tcl and Python

With the development of modern cable-stayed bridge design, finding effective optimization methods to improve structural stability and economy has become a hot topic in the engineering community. This article mainly discusses the application of simulated annealing method and cubic B-spline curve in cable force optimization of cable-stayed bridges, and uses Tcl and Python for specific […]