Regarding the issue of determining the order of return values of Comparable and Comparator interfaces

Both the Comparable and Comparator interfaces implement comparison and sorting of elements in a collection. Let’s briefly introduce their usage. 1. Usage examples public class Person {<!– –> private String name; private Integer age; public Person() {<!– –>} public Person(String name, Integer age) {<!– –> = name; this.age = age; } public String getName() […]

June 11, 2023, TreeSet, Comparable, HashMap

1. Set 1. TreeSet TreeSet 1. Store the elements of Integer in ascending order 2. Store the elements of String and arrange them in a dictionary TreeSet uses different sorting rules according to different types of elements public class test01 { /** * Knowledge points: TreeSet * 1. Store the elements of Integer in ascending […]

Self-developed API gateway – comparable to Meituan’s Shepherd gateway architecture!

Author: Brother Fu Blog: Precipitate, share, grow, let yourself and others gain something! I said: “Many major Internet companies rarely provide HTTP interfaces for WEB services based on the SpringMVC module!” Also, I don’t use SpringMVC every day! Hahaha, fortunately, I recently read this technical article “Design and Implementation of Ten Billion Scale API […]

[Java] – Comparison of Java objects, equals, Comparable, Comparator

by @Autumn60 Welcome to pay attention:LikeFavoriteLeave a message Whispering: Without action, the dream is just too high; without execution, the goal is just a mirage. If you want to do something, start right away. Directory 1. Base class comparison Two, reference type comparison 2.1 Comparator interface 2.2 Comparable interface 2.3 equals() 2.4 Comparison of three […]

Performance comparable to epoll’s io_uring

Foreword Before talking about io_uring, let’s talk about two concepts: synchronous and asynchronous. Sync The so-called synchronization, that is to say, all things happen serially according to a timeline. The next thing must wait until the execution of the current thing is completed and the result is returned before it can be executed. When used […]

Comparable and non-comparable types in go language

Article directory Comparable and non-comparable types in go language 1. Why you care about comparability 1. Comparison operator 2. Reasons to care about comparability 2. Comparable types 1. Normal type 2. Types that require special attention 3. Incomparable types 1. Reasons for incomparability 2. How to achieve comparison Four. Summary Comparable and non-comparable types in […]

The difference between comparable and Comparator

Both “Comparable” and “Comparator” are interfaces used for sorting in the Java programming language, and they have the following differences: Comparable is an interface that allows comparison and sorting between objects. A class implementing the Comparable interface can be sorted using the Arrays.sort() or Collections.sort() methods. This interface has only one method, compareTo(), which receives […]

FastChat is open, comparable to 90% of ChatGPT’s capabilities – from download to installation and deployment

FastChat is open, comparable to 90% of ChatGPT’s capabilities – from download to installation and deployment foreword two front-end software Create a FastChat virtual environment Install PyTorch Install FastChat Download LLaMA, and convert Generate the model Vicuna corresponding to FastChat Start FastChat’s command line interaction Deploy the model as a service, providing a web GUI […]

[Go Generics] Wrote a Stream processing framework in Go comparable to Java-Stream

Hello everyone, I’m Coder, I haven’t updated for a few months, and I’m writing some things in Go language recently. As a Java developer, I still feel a little uncomfortable getting started with Go language. One of the reasons is that it’s in the list It doesn’t feel very convenient to deal with the fact […]