One-dimensional array and two-dimensional array

Table of Contents 1. One-dimensional array 1. Creation of one-dimensional array 2. Initialization of one-dimensional array fully initialized Incomplete initialization 3. Types of one-dimensional arrays 4. Subscripts of one-dimensional arrays 5. Input and output of one-dimensional array 6. Storage of one-dimensional array in memory 2. Two-dimensional array 1. Creation of two-dimensional array 2. Initialization of […]

Prefix sum, difference, two-dimensional prefix sum, two-dimensional difference

Prefix sum Function: interval query Definition: prefix and array predix[n], original array a[n], the relationship between them is Interval query: Find the sum of elements between a[left] to a[right]: p[right] – p[left-1] template: #include<iostream> using namespace std; #define int long long const int N = 1e5 + 5; int a[N]; int prefix[N]; signed main() { […]

: too many indices for tensor of dimension 3

Table of Contents Solve the problem that tensor with dimension 3 has too many indexes introduction wrong reason Solution 1. Check the number of indexes 2. Make sure the tensor dimensions are correct 3. Check data type 4. Try to reconstruct the tensor 5. Review documentation and reference materials in conclusion scene description Sample code […]

How to convert latitude and longitude coordinates into three-dimensional coordinates in three.js or babylon.js

Requirements There are following requirements. According to the longitude and latitude coordinates returned by the interface, the data must be correctly rendered in the three-dimensional scene in three.js, or the movement trajectory of the object must be drawn based on the longitude and latitude coordinates. Analysis We all know that the rendering of three-dimensional three.js […]

VTK+QT implementation, displaying three two-dimensional three-dimensional views of the three-dimensional model

The renderings are as follows: This code uses QT and VTK libraries to display three three-dimensional views of the three-dimensional model on the interface. First, read the NIFTI image data through vtkNIFTIImageReader, and then create three rendering windows (coronal, sagittal, and axial views) to display images of the coronal, sagittal, and axial views respectively. Next, […]

About pytorch tensor dimension conversion and tensor operations

About pytorch tensor dimension conversion list 1 tensor.view() 2 tensor.reshape() 3 tensor.squeeze() and tensor.unsqueeze() 3.1 tensor.squeeze() dimensionality reduction 3.2 tensor.unsqueeze(idx) dimensionality increase 4 tensor.permute() 5[a,b],dim) 6 torch.stack() 7 torch.chunk() and torch.split() 8 Multiplication operation with tensor 9 Addition operation with tensor 10 tensor.expand() 11 tensor.narrow(dim, start, len) 12 tensor.resize_() 13 tensor.repeat() 14 unbind() refer […]

Solve the problem of converting pytorch model to onnx model, and the grid_sample function input parameter is 5-dimensional and the export fails

When transferring pytorch to onnx, grid_sample does not have a corresponding operator, so the transfer cannot be successful. The solutions on the Internet are all four-dimensional (4D) data input, but my input is five-dimensional (5D). I looked for the code and made modifications based on some codes. . The code does not consider performance, only […]

[Thermodynamics] Simulating two-dimensional transient heat conduction based on MATLAB allows users to analyze the temperature distribution changing with time and space.

?About the author: A Matlab simulation developer who loves scientific research. He cultivates his mind and improves his technology simultaneously. For code acquisition, paper reproduction and scientific research simulation cooperation, please send a private message. Personal homepage: Matlab Research Studio Personal credo: Investigate things to gain knowledge. For more Matlab complete code and simulation customization […]