FISCO BCOS 9. Java SDK to deploy and invoke smart contracts

Directory 1. Installation environment 2. Build a FISCO BCOS chain 3. Develop smart contract applications Step 1. Create a Maven application Step 2. Import Java SDK Step 3. Configure the SDK certificate Step 4. Prepare the smart contract Step 5. Create a configuration file Step 6. Use the Java SDK to deploy and call the […]

P/Invoke’s C# calls the dynamic link library DLL

Tools and frameworks involved in this chapter: 1. Visual Studio 2022 2. .net 6.0 What is P/Invok? The full name of P/Invoke is Platform Invoke (Platform Invoke), which is actually a function calling mechanism. Through P/Invoke, functions in unmanaged Dlls can be called. Before we start, we first need to understand the difference between managed […]

uniapp H5 invokes the mobile map application or jumps to the web version to realize the map navigation function

1. Fill in the key of the map in the manifest.json file 2. <map :scale=”14″ :show-location=”true” :show-compass=”true” style=”width: 100%; height: 1335rpx;” :latitude=”position.latitude” :longitude=”position.longitude” :markers=”markers” @markertap=”handleOpen” @callouttap=”handleOpen” /> <view class=”application” @click=”handleOpen”>Start Navigation</view> 3. data() { return { countryName: ”, //address name position: { latitude: 0, longitude: 0, name: ”, address: ‘mark point address’ }, } }, […]

“Hand tearing Mybatis source code” 08 – dynamic proxy invoke method

Dynamic proxy invoke method question mapperProxy.findByCondition(1); How to add, delete, modify and check? After the proxy object is generated through the JDK proxy method, the proxy method can be executed through the proxy object public class MybatisTest {<!– –> /** * Question 3: How does mapperProxy.findByCondition(1); add, delete, modify, and check? * Answer: invoke() —> […]

In-depth analysis of fabric’s peer command (3) chaincodeInvokeOrQuery method

title: In-depth analysis of fabric’s peer command (3) chaincodeInvokeOrQuery method date: 2023/6/3 10:24 tags: fabricblockchain categories: Blockchain top_img: ./img/41.jpg cover: ./img/66.jpg Walking around, came to fabric/internal/peer/common/common.go chaincode.go calls the chaincodeInvokeOrQuery method 1. chaincodeInvokeOrQuery(Command, bool, ChaincodeCmdFactory) method source code func chaincodeInvokeOrQuery(cmd *cobra.Command, invoke bool, cf *ChaincodeCmdFactory) (err error) {<!– –> spec, err := getChaincodeSpec(cmd) if err […]

DUBBO 3.x is compatible with invoke calls

After upgrading from version 2.7.22 of DUBBO to version 3.x, it was found that invoke failed The first is to report an error at startup. After commenting out the configuration dubbo.protocol.telnet=invoke, the program can run, but invoke fails. By comparing the source code Example: tag-3.0.10 tag-2.7.22 It is found that the versions after 3.0.2 have […]

The core method of spring is only invokeBeanFactoryPostProcessors

invokeBeanFactoryPostProcessors is the place where BeanDefinition in the project is loaded into beanDefinitionMap, and the implementation class of BeanFactoryPostProcess is called back . First add four extension classes to the spring container for the following demonstration. HandFactoryPostProcessor: The implementation class of BeanFactoryPostProcessor manually added to the spring container public class HandFactoryPostProcessor implements BeanFactoryPostProcessor {<!– –> […]