How to use Synology NAS’s Audio Station combined with intranet penetration to achieve remote access to the local music library

Article directory The problem this tutorial solves is: After following this tutorial method, the effect achieved is: The environment used for this tutorial: 1 Install audiostation package on Synology system 2 Download the mobile app 3 Intranet penetration, mapping to public network Many old people want to listen to their favorite songs or cross talk […]

NAS Tossing Note 1: From OpenWrt to Unraid

AI generated summary This article is about the author’s experience with home NAS. The author first shared the problems he encountered when using the Ficom N1 box as a media server, and then introduced his thinking process when choosing to upgrade the equipment, and finally chose the finished N100 host assembled in a small workshop. […]

Detailed restoration of one of the reasons why Elasticsearch cluster sharding appears unassigned

Personal homepage: IT Pindao_Big data OLAP system technology stack, Apache Doris, Clickhouse technology-CSDN blog Private chat with bloggers: Join the big data technology discussion group chat to get more big data information. Blogger’s personal B stack address: Brother Bao teaches you about big data’s personal space – Brother Bao teaches you about big data personal […]

[Tenas Electronics] Use AT24C02 memory module to analyze the IIC protocol-the most detailed explanation Analysis of IIC communication protocol Article reprint address: If you need information, you can download it from the original link. 1. Introduction The IIC (Inter-Integrated Circuit) bus is a two-wire serial bus developed by NXP (formerly PHILIPS) company, used to connect microcontrollers and their peripheral devices. It is mostly used for master-slave communication […]

TypeScript Generics and Type Gymnastics

The wind on the shore: Personal homepage Personal column :《VUE》《javaScript》 The ideal of life is for an ideal life! Table of Contents Generics 1. Generic functions 2. Generic interface 3. Generic classes Type Gymnastics 1. Conditional Types 2. keyof operator and index access type 3. infer keyword extends keyword and type constraints Generic function Util […]

[Backend]DynasticDataSource implements multi-data source configuration

Article directory 1. Usage scenarios 1.1 Complex business (large amount of data) 1.2 Separation of reading and writing 2. Configure a single data source 3. Configure multiple data sources 3.1 Using Datasource 3.1.1 First create a single data source configuration 3.1.2 Multiple data source configuration (rougher version) 3.2 Using AbstraceRoutingDataSource 3.2.1 Testing (solve problem 1) […]

RNA 35. SCI article infers CNVs based on RNA-seq (RNAseqCNV)

Transcriptome bioinformatics analysis tutorial The Huanfeng Gene official account has launched a transcriptome analysis tutorial. Teachers who need information can contact us! The transcription analysis tutorial is organized as follows: RNA 1. Things about gene expression–based on GEO RNA 2. limma of differentially expressed genes based on GEO in SCI articles RNA 3. DESeq2 based […]