Install mysql on ubuntu without root permissions to solve the problem of missing libaio

Write a custom directory title here Preface Install mysql on ubuntu without root permissions 1. Download and unzip the mysql installation package 2. Write my.cnf configuration file 3. Install mysql 4. Start mysql 5. Log in to mysql and change the password 6. Enable remote access refer to Foreword With root privileges, installing mysql is […]

android10.0(Q) user version opens root permissions

Foreword Individual players recommend using the magisk method to directly patch boot.img to achieve root, and then use the RE file manager to operate system-related partitions. Source code players can directly modify the aosp source code and compile the rom themselves for direct flashing. File list aosp10\build\core\ aosp10\system\sepolicy\ aosp10\system\sepolicy\ aosp10\system\core\fs_mgr\Android.bp aosp10\system\core\adb\daemon\main.cpp aosp10\system\core\adb\Android.bp aosp10\system\core\init\selinux.cpp aosp10\system\core\init\ aosp10\system\core\init\Android.bp […]

[Linux] File permissions, directory permissions, masks, sticky bits and related instructions

Article directory Linux permissions Two kinds of users Linux permission management Three questions: What are permissions? What are the three roles: So why do belonging groups exist? File types and access rights (thing properties) a) File type b)Basic permissions How to express file permission values How to set file access permissions a)chmod b)chown c)chgrp permission […]

Penetration testing—teach you step-by-step SQL injection (12)—SQLsever uses SA permissions to execute system commands–getshell

Penetration testing—teach you step-by-step SQL injection (10)—SQL injection expansion summaryhttp://t.csdnimg. cn/4mVVJ Penetration Testing—Teach you step-by-step SQL injection (11)—SQL injection expansion summary (SQLsever online shooting range actual combat) In this section we will discuss the permission issues during SQLserver injection—- What permissions does SQLserver have? First, let’s “refine” what permissions there are in SQL server: There […]

Interpretation of Android privileged application privapp-permissions permissions

Privileged application official website description Privileged applications are applications located in the priv-app directory on a certain partition of the system image, such as system/priv-app/. Privileged applications It has higher permissions than applications installed in the system/app/ directory. They are basically pre-installed on the system and cannot be uninstalled. It may not be a system […]

Shell commands and operating principles and lLinux permissions

Shell commands and operating principles What is shell Shell is the collective name for the shell program of the operating system. We communicate with the operating system through the shell. From a technical perspective, the simplest definition of shell is a command line interpreter, which mainly includes two functions: Translate user commands to core processing […]

[Android] How to apply for positioning | storage | dynamic permissions for sports and health + the problem of applying for permissions without pop-ups

Directory 1 How to apply for permission related codes 2 Demos for applying for permissions (including positioning, storage, satellite, sports and health) 3 Some reasons why there is no pop-up window when applying for permission 1 Related codes on how to apply for permission Take Targeting permissions as an example Add a user permission statement […]

Vue-admin-element, understanding of routing permissions and button permissions and the entire process

Foreword My personal understanding of routing permissions and button permissions is nothing more than requesting the permissions owned by this role from the background based on the role of the logged in user; In other words, what routes can the logged-in account view, and what are the button operations on the corresponding page? Knowing this […]

iOS development detection positioning, message push and other permissions are enabled

1. iOS development detects whether positioning is enabled: #import <CoreLocation/CoreLocation.h> + (void)openLocationServiceWithBlock:(ReturnBlock)returnBlock { BOOL isOPen = NO; if ([CLLocationManager locationServicesEnabled] & amp; & amp; [CLLocationManager authorizationStatus] != kCLAuthorizationStatusDenied) { isOPen = YES; } if (returnBlock) { returnBlock(isOpen); } } 2. iOS development detects whether message push is allowed: #import <UserNotifications/UserNotifications.h> + (void)openMessageNotificationServiceWithBlock:(ReturnBlock)returnBlock { BOOL isOpen […]