Upload files such as pdf, word, photos, etc. from the front end to the server and return a URL to the front end.

package com.xmyq.controller; import com.xmyq.utils.FileUtils; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Param; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PostMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController; import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.util.Base64; @RestController @RequestMapping(“/file”) public class UploadController { @PostMapping(“upload”) public String upload(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, MultipartFile upload) throws IllegalStateException, IOException, IOException { String realPath = “E:/fj”; // […]

[Office Category-19-03] Thoughts in Office – Python batch production of word cell photos and text (small photo series)

Background requirements: The union teacher asks for help: How to insert a 4*8 box in Word, but I can’t get it to the 4*8 size (she used my WORD text box) When I heard it, it was like manually pasting the “text box”, “photo” and “text” over and over again I asked: How many people […]

uni-app implements uploading photos and personal information

1. This project is to upload personal photos, department information and names, and can be run on mini programs, Android and IOS mobile apps Download Hbuilder, create a uni-app project, create a path under the page, and create a vue page <template> <view class=”page”> <uni-nav-bar color=”#FFFFFF” leftIcon=”back” backgroundColor=”#3088C9″ @clickLeft=”backToLastPage()” title=”Upload employee information”>< /uni-nav-bar> <view class=”feedback-body […]

Open source photo management service LibrePhotos

This article is to solve the problems encountered by netizen Zhao Yun. Although the software was running, the problems he encountered were beyond Lao Su’s knowledge. Of course, the problem was eventually solved, but it had nothing to do with LibrePhotos; What is LibrePhotos? LibrePhotos is a self-hosted, open source photo management and sharing platform. […]

[python scripts] From repairing old photos to sending emails automatically, five very interesting python scripts,

Python can be used in many directions, such as crawlers, predictive analysis, GUI, automation, image processing, visualization, etc. It may only take a dozen lines of code to achieve cool functions. Because Python is a dynamic scripting language, the code logic is much simpler than Java, and a lot less code is needed to achieve […]

iPhone copy photos with E automatic deduplication software, and how to package java programs into jar and exe

Article directory 1. Premise 2. Problem description 3. The original processing method 4. Program processing 4.1 How to package exe in java program 4.1.1 First package the jar 4.1.2 Start to generate exe 4.1.3 How to use the software 4.2 Change icon 4.2.1 Replace the packaging jar icon of swing 4.2.2 Replacing the exe icon […]

The latest details in 2023: use selenium to carry cookies to log in to QQ space, crawl the specified friend space to talk about photos

Written in the front: I recently learned about reptiles, and I happened to crawl all the spaces of the designated friends to talk about photos. I used the selenium account password to log in before, and the number of simulated logins was too many. Verification codes would be added, and even QQ would freeze, so […]

The use of vue-color-color picker plug-in and the properties of Photoshop components in this plug-in

vue-color-color picker plugin installation The installation command is as follows npm i @ckpack/vue-color // or npm install vue-color -S Using the color picker plugin <template> <div class=”change-color-box”> <div class=”change-color-select”> <!– <div>color-picker</div> –> <div class=”item”> <p>Chrome</p> <chrome-picker v-model=”colors” /> </div> <div class=”item”> <p>Sketch</p> <sketch-picker v-model=”colors” /> </div> <!– <div class=”item”> <p>Photoshop</p> <photoshop-picker v-model=”colors” /> </div> –> […]