Java uses FTP cross-server dynamic monitoring to read file data in the specified directory

Background: 1. The file data is on server A (windows) (generated in the specified directory from time to time), and the project application is deployed on server B (Linux); 2. The project is applied on server B, monitors the directory specified by server A, and if there are newly generated files, reads the file information […]

LCD screen uses ST7567G+UC1701E

LCD screen usage record LCD screen usage record 1-Screen introduction 2-ST7567G screen 3-UC1701 screen 4-Code Example 4-Points of attention 1-Screen Introduction Since the project uses the screen, make a simple record backup The screen uses 128*64 dot matrix screen The model number is ST7567G + UC1701E Using SPI driver Brief description of screen dot matrix […]

Android uses poi to generate Excel and word and save them in the specified path

As soon as you add dependencies (be sure to use new versions of dependencies to prevent some bugs) minSdk= 26 //Note that the minimum supported SDK26 dependencies {<!– –> implementation ‘org.apache.poi:poi:5.2.4’ implementation ‘org.apache.poi:poi-ooxml:5.2.4’ implementation ‘’ } Second, creation method private void createExcelFile(String Path) {<!– –> //Create workbook Workbook workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(); //Create worksheet Sheet […]

ESP uses webserver for local control

Because using cloud services is sometimes unreliable, offline control is important. This article uses webserver to implement local web page control. In this way, there is no need to develop a separate APP, and it can be controlled with a browser. All tests in this article are based on ESP32. 8266 has not been tested. […]

[node+JS] The front end uses nodemailer to send emails

Preface Email configuration Complete code Foreword Recently, it is necessary to realize that after the customer submits the form, the content of the form is sent to the corresponding mailbox as an email. The front-end sends it directly without going through the back-end service. Hiss–, just do it! After searching, there are many ways to […]

R language uses a linear mixed effects (multi-level/layered/nested) model to analyze the relationship between pitch and polite attitude…

Full text download link: What is the difference between the linear mixed effects model and the linear model we already know(Click “Read the original text” at the end of the article to get the completeCode data)? Related videos A linear mixed model (sometimes called a “multilevel model” or a “hierarchical model”, depending on the […]

Dimension uses AOP to add Name

1.Add files 2.DimName annotation, entity use package annotation; import MateTypeEnum; import java.lang.annotation.*; /** * Dictionary translation annotations * * @author pw */ @Documented @Target(ElementType.FIELD)//Can be used on method names @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)// Valid at runtime public @interface DimName {<!– –> /** * This field represents the encoding of the dictionary type */ //Class clazz() default this.clazz(); Class<? […]