Digital image processing experiment – Convert “original image.bmp” into a grayscale image, and perform histogram equalization on the resulting grayscale image; use histogram specification algorithm to process the three RGB channels of “original image.bmp” The histograms are changed to be consistent with “reference image.bmp”

1. Experimental objectives 1. Understand and apply the concept and application of histograms to analyze and process images. 2. Understand and apply the concept of histogram equalization and perform related image processing 3. Master the histogram specification algorithm and perform histogram specification processing and analysis on samples 4. Convert the “original image.bmp” into a grayscale […]

MTK Logo reverse analysis of raw to bmp

Article directory 1. Analyze source code 2. c++ version source code 2.1. Compilation instructions 2.2. Rotate bmp files 3. python version source code 3.1. Rotate bmp files 4. java version source code 4.1. Rotate bmp files related articles MTK Logo reverse analysis from bin to rawx MTK Logo reverse analysis rawx full decompression Finally we […]

YUV420 stored as BMP and JPG images

YUV420 is stored as BMP and JPG images [personal test and valid] Most of the information about YUV420 on the Internet is about YUV420P, and there is very little about YUV420SP, because the UVs of YUV420SP are staggered, which is relatively troublesome to process, but YUV420SP is also a A common format, so here, I […]

STM32 BMP388 driver source code

Table of Contents Introduction: BMP388.c: BMP388.h: Test Results: Introduction: The BMP388 is a digital sensor whose air pressure and temperature measurements are based on proven sensing principles. The area is only 2.0×2.0 mm2, and the package height is 0.8 mm. Low power consumption and low quality 3.4μA, can be used in mobile phones, GPS modules […]

ESP8266-Wemos D1 Mini -Arduino-BMP180-BMP280-Dian Deng Technology

Table of Contents introduce Show results ArduinoIDE installs 8266 library (development board and mini D1) 1. Configuration of lighting technology 2. Add device (generate key) 3. Configure the Blinker interface (UI) 4. Lighting app temperature and humidity curve configuration 2. Code steps 1. Import the library 2. Wiring (check whether the connection is correct before […]

Use Arduino IDE to compile ESP8266+DHT22+BMP280+SGP30+GP2Y1014AUVF and upload it to Dian Deng Technology APP to view the current temperature, humidity, air pressure, air quality PM2.5

Table of Contents Important reminder (must read): introduce Show results 1. Configuration of lighting technology 2. Add device 3. Add configuration Blinker interface (UI) 2. Code steps 1. Import the library 2. Wiring diagram (check whether the connection is correct before powering on) 3.Code Problems Archive Download and registration of Dian Deng Technology: For the […]

Use Arduino IDE to compile the ESP8266 (Wemos D1 Mini) module + DHT11 + BMP180 + MQ135 and upload it to DianDeng Technology to view the current temperature, humidity, pressure and air quality.

Table of Contents Important reminder (must read): introduce Show results 1. Configuration of lighting technology 2. Add device 3. Add configuration Blinker interface (UI) 2. Code steps 1. Import the library 2. Wiring (check whether the connection is correct before turning on the power) 3.Code Problems Archive Download and registration of Dian Deng Technology: For […]

libjpeg practice 1: source code compilation and MJPG conversion to BMP testing:

Compile source code Download source code wget Unzip: tar zxvf jpegsrc.v9b.tar.gz Start configuring and compiling because it is tested in ubuntu. So the configuration is very simple ./configure –prefix=/home/lkmao/linux/3588-linux/app/tools/jpeg-9b/_install_ubuntu/ Then make and make install When executing make install, a warning appears: Is it to execute this command: Based on the principle of listening […]

BMP picture reading and writing practice: rgb to bgr

This theoretically supports 24-bit and 32-bit images, but in fact only 24-bit has been tested. The principle is very simple, it is the exchange of blue bytes and red bytes in RGB. Test code 1: #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <errno.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <linux/videodev2.h> #include <sys/mman.h> […]