C++ implements the sending and receiving ends of multicast and broadcast

broadcast Receiving end #include <iostream> #include <WinSock2.h> #include <WS2tcpip.h> #include <vector> #include “MsgDefForDataServer23Tai.h” #include “LocatorData.h” #pragma comment(lib, “ws2_32.lib”) using namespace PT_TAI; int main() {<!– –> WSADATA wsaData; int iResult = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), & amp;wsaData); if (iResult != 0) {<!– –> std::cout << “WSAStartup failed: ” << iResult << std::endl; return 1; } SOCKET recvSocket = […]

Wanke Cloud (3rd generation of Qianqianbao) flashes Armbian 6.1.9 system and installs Docker+CasaOS+Qinglong+Home Assistant

Wanke Cloud (3rd Generation Money Making Treasure) flashes Armbian 6.1.9 system and installs Docker + CasaOS + Qinglong + Home Assistant Article directory Wanke Cloud (3rd Generation of Money Making Treasure) flashes Armbian 6.1.9 system and installs Docker + CasaOS + Qinglong + Home Assistant 1. Preparation work 2. Bottom package burning (1).Software installation (2). […]

Example of custom SQL statements using case/when statements to implement paging queries and classification sorting in JPA programming

1. Requirement background Query the list of work orders initiated by me and invited by me. It requires paging query. The specific requirements for sorting are: Sort by status first, with unprocessed items at the front Then sort by handler, those who were invited are ranked first, and those who initiated themselves are ranked last. […]

The best in the whole network, Python interface automated testing practical information-project interface case, reading this article is enough…

Table of Contents: Introduction Preface 1. Python programming from entry to proficiency 2. Practical implementation of interface automation projects 3. Web automation project actual combat 4. Practical implementation of App automation project 5. Resumes of first-tier manufacturers 6. Test and develop DevOps system 7. Commonly used automated testing tools 8. JMeter performance test 9. Summary […]

Real case of front-end uniapp request (with source code)

Directory Case number one Case 2 at last Case 1 <template> <view class=”box”> <!– <view class=”title-back” @click=”backPrivious”> & amp;lt;</view> –> <!– <view class=”title-back” @click=”backPrivious”> < </view> –> <view class=”currentLimit”> <!– All –> <view class=”currentLimit-half” v-if=”itemIndex === 1″> The current loan amount that can be applied for is <text>{<!– –>{money2}}</text> yuan </view> <!– half –> <view […]

Shengteng Migration丨Interpretation of 4 TensorFlow model training cases

This article is shared from the Huawei Cloud Community “Common Cases of TensorFlow Model Training” by Shengteng CANN. Training scripts developed based on TensorFlow’s Python API run on the CPU/GPU/TPU by default. In order for these scripts to take advantage of the powerful computing power of the Ascend AI processor, they need to be migrated […]

SQL injection cases and principles

SQL injection cases and principles Foreword This time we will simply learn SQL injection cases and principles 1. What is SQL injection? SQL injection means that the web application does not judge the legality of the user input data or does not filter it strictly. The attacker can add additional SQL statements at the end […]

About Cascading Style Sheets CSS

TableofContents 1.CascadingstylesheetCSSoutreach 1.1LinkXMLdocuments ?edit 2.Selector 2.1Relationshipselector 2.1.1Nearbysiblingselector 2.2Attributeselector 2.3Pseudo-classselector 2.4Descendantselectors 2.5Commonlyusedselectors 2.5.1TagSelector 2.5.2ClassSelector 2.5.3IDselector 3.CommonCSSproperties 3.1Textattributes 3.2Colorattributes(foregroundcolor) 3.3Backgroundproperties 3.4Borderproperties 4.Commonlayoutattributes 4.1Floating 4.2Positioning 4.1.1Positioningmode 4.2.2.Edgeoffset 5.Commonlayoutattributes 5.1overflowattribute 5.2z-indexattribute 1.CascadingstylesheetCSSoutreach 1.1LinkXMLdocument ThereareseveralwaystolinkCSSexternalXMLdocuments:inline,embedded,andexternallink.Themostcommonlyusedistheexternallinktype(i.e.,link-intype),whichputsallstylesinoneormorefileswitha.cssextension.Intheexternalstylesheet,linkthexmlwithspecialstatements,forexample: <?xmlversion=”1.0″encoding=”GB2312″?> <?xml-stylesheettype=”text/css”href=”product.css”?> <product> <description>thisisatoyforchildaged4andabove</description> <price>66.6</price> </product> description{ font-size:30px; font-style:italic; } 2.Selector 2.1RelationshipSelector Relationshipselectorsmainlyincludechildelementselectorsandsiblingselectors. Thechildelementselectorismainlyusedtoselectthefirst-levelchildelementsofanelement,connectedbythe”>”symbol,forexample:A>B. Therearetwotypesofsiblingselectors:adjacentsiblingselectorsandordinarysiblingselectors. 2.1.1Nearbysiblingselector Thesiblingselector(+)isusedtoselectthefirstsiblingelementafterthespecifiedelement.Itmustbeimmediatelyfollowingthesiblingelementofthespecifiedelement,andonlyoneelementcanbeselected. A+B{ color:red; } 2.1.2Commonsiblingselector Theordinarysiblingselector(~)isusedtoselectalladjacentsiblingelementsbehindanelement(itdoesnotneedtobeimmediatelyadjacent).Itssyntaxformatis”element1~element2″,whereelement1isthefirstelement,element2isthesecondelement,andallsubsequentelement2elementsaresiblingelementsadjacenttothefirstelementelement1. A~B{ color:red; } […]