Self-sensitive word filtering – using tool classes to implement – finite automata – DFA algorithm

Article directory 1. Implementation and introduction of self-managed sensitive word review 2. Usage steps 1. Tools 2. Use tools Tips: The following is the text of this article, the following cases are for reference 1. Implementation and principle of self-managed sensitive lexicon For example, media companies, in addition to using third-party sensitive word review, each […]

element table custom filtering

Article directory Preface 1. Introduction 2. Effect display 3. Source code Summarize Foreword Tips: You can add the general content to be recorded in this article here: …to be continued Tips: The following is the text of this article, the following cases are for reference 1. Introduction Modify the filtering of el-table…To be continued 2. […]

[Image Segmentation] Image detection (segmentation, feature extraction), measurement and filtering of various features (area, etc.) (Matlab code implementation)

Welcome to this blog Advantages of bloggers:Blog content should be as thoughtful and logical as possible for the convenience of readers. Motto:He who travels a hundred miles is half as good as ninety. The directory of this article is as follows: Table of Contents 1 Overview 2 Operation results ? 3 References 4 Matlab code […]

Python image processing: frequency domain filtering, noise reduction and image enhancement

Click “Xiaobai Xue Vision” above and choose to add “star” or “pin“ Heavy stuff, delivered as soon as possible This article is about 4300 words, it is recommended to read for 8 minutes This article will discuss the various stages involved in the frequency transformation of an image from FFT to inverse FFT, combined with […]

DataFrame, data column filtering replaces traversing each row of data to judge, greatly improving the data filtering speed.

Operating environment Notebook win10, i5-6200U, 16G python3.8 pandas1.3.5 Program purpose In a csv table close to 45M, with 63.7w rows of data, extract the data that conforms to the time period range (data from 20 o’clock every day to 9 o’clock the next day), and the signal value is less than a certain range, and […]

el-tabl header custom filtering

Main code renderHeader property < /el-table-column> Encapsulated components <template> <el-dropdown trigger=”click” ref=’dropdownRef’> <i class=”el-icon-arrow-down”></i> <el-dropdown-menu slot=”dropdown” class=’dropdown’> <el-input v-model=”search” size=’mini’ placeholder=”Please enter the filter content” /> <el-checkbox-group v-model=”checkList” class=”checkbox-group”> <el-checkbox :label=”item.value” class=”checkbox” v-for=”(item, index) in dataList” :key=’index’>{<!– –>{ item.value }}</el-checkbox> </el-checkbox-group> <div class=’line’></div> <div class=’button’> <el-button :disabled=”checkList.length === 0″ type=’text’ @click=’select’>Filter</el-button> <el-button type=’text’ @click=”reset”>Reset</el-button> </div> […]

18.3 NPCAP custom packet filtering

The NPCAP library is a library for network packet capture and analysis on Windows platforms. It is a fork of the WinPcap library, developed by the Nmap development team and used in the Nmap software. Like WinPcap, the NPCAP library provides APIs that allow developers to easily capture and process network packets in their applications. […]

swagger3.0 sets up grouping and configures multiple scanning paths and filtering URLs

package com.jeeplus.config; import com.fasterxml.classmate.TypeResolver; import com.jeeplus.sys.service.dto.LightUserDTO; import io.swagger.annotations.Api; import io.swagger.annotations.ApiOperation; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration; import org.springframework.http.HttpMethod; import org.springframework.web.servlet.config.annotation.WebMvcConfigurer; import; import; import; import springfox.documentation.schema.AlternateTypeRule; import springfox.documentation.service.*; import springfox.documentation.spi.DocumentationType; import springfox.documentation.spi.service.contexts.SecurityContext; import springfox.documentation.spring.web.plugins.Docket; import java.util.*; /** * swagger configuration */ @Configuration public class SwaggerConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer { @Bean public Docket api() {//Default grouping TypeResolver […]

Design and implementation of product recommendation system based on Python collaborative filtering (source code + lw + deployment documentation + explanation, etc.)

Blogger Introduction: ?300,000+ fans across the entire network, csdn guest author, blog expert, CSDN Rising Star Program mentor, high-quality creator in the Java field, Blog Star, Nuggets / Huawei Cloud / Alibaba Cloud / InfoQ and other platforms are high-quality authors, focusing on the field of Java technology and practical graduation projects? Contact for source […]