el-element el-table tree table check linkage (parent check all children, child check parent check) ultimate version of selection problem

The requirements that need to be implemented are as follows: 1. When the parent is checked, all children are checked. 2. Uncheck the parent and uncheck all children. 3. When any child or grandchild is checked, its parent is still checked. 4. Uncheck all children and uncheck the parent as well. 5. When the last […]

Method to obtain map boundary data in real time in October 2023, multi-level linkage of provinces, cities, counties and streets [attached real-time geoJson data download]

First, let’s take a look at the renderings Online experience address: https://geojson.hxkj.vip, and provide real-time geoJson data file download The downloadable data includes provincial-level geojson administrative boundary data, municipal-level geojson administrative boundary data, district/county-level geojson administrative boundary data, provincial, city, and county street administrative code four-level linkage data (accurate to the township/street level), provincial Five-level […]

echarts implements pseudo-3D maps, ripples of provincial capital coordinates, automatic carousels, and data linkage

Rendering: Achieved effects: Pseudo 3D effect map Provincial capital coordinates display punctuation points with a ripple effect Area covered by mouse, zone and ripple highlighting All areas on the map rotate according to time intervals When clicked or rotated, the area will be refreshed together with the data of all other tables to display the […]

Mobile terminal development—menu bar and product left and right linkage

Renderings Plug-ins used – better-scroll Introduce two packages into the project better-scroll scrolling core library @better-scroll/mouse-wheel The function of this plug-in is to use the mouse to scroll Code implementation Use vue2 combined with better-scroll to realize left and right linkage between menus and products Here are the instructions from the better-scroll official website. If […]

STM32CubeMX and Keil linkage – USART interrupt transmission and reception (DMA version)

Table of Contents 1. Graphical configuration under STM32CubeMX 1. Configure debugging download interface and clock source interface 2. Configure serial port peripherals 3. Configure the clock tree 4. Basic project settings 5. Generate code project 2. Code editing under Keil 1. Edit usart.c file 2. Edit the stm32f1xx_it.c file 3. Burn and run, observe test […]

uniapp uses scroll-into-view to implement anchor positioning and scroll monitoring functions [floor effect/side navigation linkage effect]

Big guy website: https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_47136265/article/details/132303570 Effect Code <template> <!– There are 2 bugs in this, they have been solved, what you need to know 1. This.tabIndex = index != -1 ? index : 0; in the scrollEvt(e) method in methods 2. The height of .main in the style: calc(100vh – 300px); This style prevents the bug […]

vue3+antdesign completes the checkbox linkage of nested tables

computed: { rowSelectionFather() { return { // onChange: (selectedRowKeys, selectedRows) => { // this.selectedRowKeysFather = selectedRowKeys // }, selectedRowKeys:this.selectedRowKeysFather, onSelect: (record, selected, selectedRows) => { const setChildArr = this.dataFather.find(d => d.id === record.id).studentList.map(item => item.id) // The first step is to judge selected true: selected, false, unchecked if (selected) { // In the second step, […]