Kingdee Cloud Starry Sky creates automatic push-down and save public services

Article directory Kingdee Cloud Starry Sky creates automatic push-down and save public services Create public method Push down data by order Push down data by detail row Call pushdown operation Call public method Kingdee Cloud Starry Sky creates automatic push-down and saves public services Create public methods Push down data by order /// <summary> /// […]

Django attempts SSE log push and analysis of AssertionError: Hop-by-hop headers not allowed exception

Situation description In the near future, I plan to test Django’s support for log printing, which is usually done through websocket. I want to test the server-side push of SSE (Server-sent events), which is more concise. I found that there are errors during the process: Traceback (most recent call last): File “D:\Software\Anaconda3\lib\wsgiref\”, line 137, in […]

MySQL’s optimization tool: Pushing down index conditions improves performance by 273% under tens of millions of data

MySQL’s optimization tool: the index conditions are pushed down, and the performance of tens of millions of data is improved by 273% Foreword In the previous stage, we talked about the selection of field types in MySQL and lamented the performance differences of different types under tens of millions of data. Time type: How to […]

Don’t just pull and push Git, try these 5 commands to improve efficiency!

This is a community that may be useful to you For one-on-one communication/interview brochure/resume optimization/job search questions, welcome to join the “Yudao Rapid Development Platform” Knowledge Planet. The following is some information provided by Planet: “Project Practice (Video)”: Learn from books, “practice” from past events “Internet High Frequency Interview Questions”: Studying with your resume, spring […]

Java language uses ffmpeg to implement video push and pull in Windows system

This article mainly introduces in detail the use of Java language to implement video push and pull of RTMP streaming protocol under Windows system. Use the screen capturer recorder screen recording tool combined with the ffmpeg.exe file to capture the desktop video stream and push it to the nginx server, and then use the browser […]

Integrate the remote changes (e.g. hint: git pull …) before pushing again. 2023/10/24 11:27:15 AM

2023/10/24 11:27:15 am Integrate the remote changes (e.g. hint: git pull …’) before pushing again. 2023/10/24 11:27:40 am To integrate remote changes into your local repository before pushing again, you can follow these steps using Git: First, make sure you are in the correct branch by using the command: git branch This will show you […]

SpringBoot integrates WebSocket to push information from the backend to the frontend.

Foreword In a project development, the Netty network application framework and MQTT were used to send and receive message data. The background was required to actively push the obtained messages to the front end, so MQTT was used. I will record it here. 1. What is websocket? WebSocket protocol is a new network protocol based […]

uni-app enables app push service

uni-app enables app push service Application scenarios (quoted from the official website) User message notification When the APP user-related status or system function status changes (such as user order notifications, transaction reminders, logistics notifications, upgrade reminders, social interaction reminders, etc.), the user can be notified in a timely manner, or the user can be prompted […]