Thumbs up! Chrome now shows memory usage for each active tab

Chrome recently introduced hover cards that show memory usage for each open tab. When you hover over a tab, a pop-up will show the tab’s memory usage and whether Chrome’s Memory Saver feature has frozen the tab to save memory. This feature makes Chrome’s tab throttling behavior transparent and gives users insight into a site’s […]

Show the charm of real-time beauty makeup: Explore the functions and integration methods of Xiangxin Light Beauty SDK (Android)

With the continuous development of artificial intelligence technology, the light beauty function of Xiangxin SDK brings a new beauty experience to users. Light makeup is a combination of makeup and beauty makeup. Using lighter makeup makes the effect of light makeup better. This function integrates a number of advanced technologies to realize the display and […]

C language to implement fireworks show

This article mainly introduces in detail the program to set off fireworks in C language. The code is as follows, for reference only: #pragma once #include<stdio.h> #include<graphics.h> //Graphic interface library header file #include<math.h> //Calculate the trajectory coordinates of the circle #include<conio.h> #include<time.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<mmsystem.h> #pragma comment(lib,”winmm.lib”) //#include includes header files //#pragma comment(lib.”file name”) contains library […]

Ctf-Show-WEB file contains topics

File contains (WEB78-117) WEB 78 <?php if(isset($_GET[‘file’])){<!– –> $file = $_GET[‘file’]; include($file); }else{<!– –> highlight_file(__FILE__); } Method 1: The key part is include. $file here can be controlled by get parameters. Since there is no filtering, there are many methods here. Using the data protocol, you can obtain the flag in an intuitive and orderly […]

ctfshow command execution (40-50)

web40 A lot of questions have been filtered if(isset($_GET[‘c’])){ $c = $_GET[‘c’]; if(!preg_match(“/[0-9]|\~|\`|\@|\#|\$|\%|\^|\ & amp;|\*|\(|\)|\ -|\=|\ + |\{|\[|\]|\}|\:|’|”|\,|\<|\.|\>|\/|\?|\\ \/i”, $c)){ eval($c); } }else{ highlight_file(__FILE__); } The test point of this question is parameterless RCE Reference The meaning of no parameters can be a(), a(b()) or a(b(c())), but it cannot be a(‘b’) or a(‘b’,’c’),Cannot take […]

Vue built-in instructions – v-show and v-if instructions

Table of Contents 1: v-show command Two: v-if instruction Three: The difference between v-show and v-if One: v-show command The v-show directive can be used to dynamically control the display or hiding of DOM elements. v-show is followed by the judgment condition, and the syntax is as follows: v-show=”judgment variable” For example: v-show=”true” means displaying […]

[Vue preliminary (v-html, v-show, v-if, v-on, v-bind, v-for, event, v-model, key modifier)]

Article directory Introduction to v-html What is v-html? Basic usage security considerations Introduction to v-show and v-if v-show v-if Differences and choices Sample code Introduction to v-on command Basic usage Short form of v-on Introduction to v-bind command Dynamically binding class and style dynamic binding class Dynamic binding style Short form of v-bind Introduction to […]

Swagger2 shows detailed parameters and parameter descriptions in the API document about Map parameters.

SpringFox provides us with a ParameterBuilderPlugin interface. Through this interface, we can use javassist to dynamically generate classes when SpringFox constructs the ModelRef of Map parameter mapping, and point the modelRef object of this map parameter to our dynamically generated specific Class object (through customization The annotation generates a class that can represent the JSON […]