SpringBoot+SpringBoot core functions+automatic configuration is super detailed! !

1. What is SpringBoot? 1. Before SpringBoot, we needed to find all the shelf packages and shelf package conflicts might occur, and the integration project was also relatively complicated. With SpringBoot, we can solve the shelf package problem well and quickly integrate third parties. The framework allows developers to focus more on business code. Of […]

Super detailed! Teach you how to use Python to connect to MySQL database

Database programming is a critical part of interacting with the database and managing data in your application. MySQL is a popular relational database management system (RDBMS), and MySQL database programming is relatively easy in Python. This article introduces how to use Python for MySQL database programming, including operations such as connecting to the database, executing […]

Semi-supervised anomaly detection using autoencoders

Semi-supervised anomaly detection using autoencoders Preface Prerequisites Related introduction Semi-supervised Anomaly Detection using AutoEncoders Project structure Training model test model refer to Foreword Due to my limited level, errors and omissions will inevitably occur. Please criticize and correct me. For more exciting content, you can click to enter the YOLO series of columns and natural […]

[Superset Installation] The most complete error solution in the superset installation process in history

Table of Contents 1. What is superset? 2. Install superset 3. Initialization of supetset database after installation 1. Error 1: cannot import name ‘url_quote’ from ‘werkzeug.urls’ 2. Error 2: AttributeError: module ‘sqlparse.keywords’ has no attribute ‘FLAGS’ 3. Mistake 3: You did not provide the “FLASK_APP” environment variable 4. Mistake 4: Refusing to start due to […]

python manage.py createsuperuser running error

I put my thoughts on a note and let it go with the wind, landing on the street corner you often pass by… Error recurrence PS D:\Teaching Files\Django\djangoProject\webDemo02> python manage.py createsuperuser System check identified some issues: WARNINGS: ?: (urls.W005) URL namespace ‘admin’ isn’t unique. You may not be able to reverse all URLs in this […]

A* A Star algorithm principle and code examples, super detailed, super simple, anyone can understand it in vernacular

This article is based on this blogger’s article [Selected] A* algorithm (super detailed explanation, with detailed handwritten steps with examples) – CSDN Blog The blogger of this article made a UI interface, but I feel that this is not good for novices who focus on the algorithm and the code itself, and will be disturbed […]

C language, step-by-step instructions on how to make a simple minesweeper game (super detailed)

Development environment: vs2022 Preface: Because the basic functions of the minesweeper game require at least more than 200 lines of code, in order to facilitate logical organization and distinguish functional areas, multiple sets of codes are used here to put different functions in different modules, including game.c (function implementation part), game.h (function declaration part), test.c […]

Python super popular dynamic love program

import random importsys from math import * from PyQt5.QtWidgets import * from PyQt5.QtCore import * from PyQt5.QtGui import * import turtle turtle.setup (1200, 800) turtle.delay (0) turtle.goto (0, -200) turtle.begin_poly() turtle.setheading (150) turtle.fd (70) turtle.circle (70 * -3.745, 45) turtle.circle (70 * -1.431, 165) turtle.left (120) turtle.circle (70 * -1.431, 165) turtle.circle (70 * -3.745, […]