How to use Synology NAS’s Audio Station combined with intranet penetration to achieve remote access to the local music library

Article directory The problem this tutorial solves is: After following this tutorial method, the effect achieved is: The environment used for this tutorial: 1 Install audiostation package on Synology system 2 Download the mobile app 3 Intranet penetration, mapping to public network Many old people want to listen to their favorite songs or cross talk […]

[Algorithm Challenge] Serialization and Deserialization of Binary Trees (including parsing and source code)

297. Serialization and deserialization of binary trees Same topic: Sword Points Offer 37. Serialized Binary Tree 297. Serialization and deserialization of binary trees Question description Method 1: Level traversal Ideas Complexity analysis code Method 2: Preorder traversal Ideas Complexity analysis code Title description Serialization is the operation of converting a data structure or object […]

An in-depth explanation of data binding validation in WPF

In-depth explanation of data binding verification in WPF WPF provides a verification function when the user inputs. Usually verification is implemented in the following two ways: Throws an error in the data object. Usually an exception is thrown during property setting, or the INotifyDataErrorInfo or IDataErrorInfo interface is implemented in the data class. Define validation […]

Harbin Institute of Technology Information Content Security Experiment 3–String Matching

1. Experimental purpose Be familiar with the AC or WM multi-pattern matching algorithm, implement the AC or WM string matching algorithm in a familiar high-level language, and evaluate the space and time complexity 2. Experimental requirements PS. I only did what I had to do and chose the AC [Must Do] 1: Implement the multi-pattern […]

The principle of two-way binding in vue, compared with angular

Table of Contents Preface Vue two-way binding usage code Vue’s two-way binding principle Angular two-way binding usage code Angular’s two-way binding principle understand Efficiency: Although the two-way binding principles of Vue and Angular are different, they are both committed to providing efficient data update mechanisms. However, since Vue uses data hijacking, its efficiency is usually […]

Revealing the MVVM architecture under the Vue framework: the technical details behind two-way data binding

Jiangcheng Cheerful Pea: Personal homepage Personal column :《VUE》《javaScript》 Personal website : “Jiangcheng Cheerful Pea” The ideal of life is for an ideal life! Table of Contents ? Column introduction 1. What is two-way binding? 2. What is the principle of two-way binding? Understanding ViewModel 3. Implement two-way binding accomplish CompileCompile dependency collection ?Write at the […]

[c++] Simulation implementation of searching binary tree

Simulation implementation of searching binary tree K model complete code #pragma once namespace hqj1 { template<class K> struct SBTreeNode { public: //Here directly use anonymous objects as default parameters SBTreeNode(const K & amp; key = K()) :_key(key) , _cleft(nullptr) , _cright(nullptr) {} public: K_key; SBTreeNode* _cleft; SBTreeNode* _cright; }; template<class K> class SBTree { typedef […]