Front-end project imports vue and element

1. Install nodejs Download link msi Enter cmd command line mode and run as administrator Enter (node -v) to see the version number npm config set prefix “C:\Program Files\\ odejs” default path npm config set prefix ” Write the path to your installation “ Switch npm’s Taobao mirror (npm config set registry 2. Install […]

ElementPlus+Vue tree structure displays data

1. Parent-child upper and lower levels HTML: <el-tree v-if=”permission.length > 0″ :data=”permission” :props=”props” :show-checkbox=”true” expand-on-click-node @check=”handleCheck” default-expand-all > default-expand-all: Expand all by default; expand-on-click-node: Click to expand/contract; :show-checkbox=”true”: Show the check box; JS: permission: [], // Data obtained by the backend props: { children: ‘menu’, // The root node contains the fields of all child […]

React technical principles and code development practice: React elements and components

Author: Zen and the Art of Computer Programming 1. Background Introduction React introduction React (pronounced “reac?t”) is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces, launched by Facebook and open source. Its main feature is the declarative programming style, which makes the code more understandable, maintainable and reusable, so it is becoming more and more popular. […]

Elementary C++ – Classes and Objects – Implementation of const members and date classes

Article directory const member Implementation of a date class Source code parse Constructor verification Operator reuse Prefix + + and postfix + + Validation of other operators const members The const modified member function is called a const member function. In a member function, the object pointed to by this pointer is hidden, and there […]

ElementUI-tree drag-and-drop function and node customization

Foreword When multiple categories are encountered on the management side, they are required to be displayed hierarchically, and each category has additional operations. For example: add category, edit category, delete, drag to category, etc. The following will record such a demand internship process. Understand needs Classified display displayed by level Categories display operable buttons based […]

[C++ Code] Collecting rainwater, the nearest larger element, the largest matrix in the histogram, monotonic stack–Code Thoughts

Topic: Daily Temperature Given an integer array temperatures, representing the daily temperature, return an array answer, where answer[i] refers to the temperature for the first i days, with the next higher temperature occurring a few days later. If the temperature is not going to rise after this, use 0 instead. Brute force solution, two levels […]

Static, friendly, intrinsic: parsing these special elements in C++ and optimizations for object copying

W…Y’s homepage Code repository sharing Foreword: Previously we learned many knowledge points about classes and objects in C++. Today we continue to study classes and objects. Finally, we will summarize some keywords in classes and objects, as well as details that need attention. Full of useful information, we will set off between us. Table of […]

2.5 CSS element transformation

2D transformation: transform 1.1 displacement: translate translate: One value represents the horizontal direction, two values represent: horizontal and vertical directions. translateX: To set the horizontal displacement, you need to specify the length value; if you specify a percentage, it is the percentage of the reference to its own width. translateY: To set the vertical displacement, […]

Element Ui Subtotal

1. Table row drag effect implementation <el-table :data=”tableSortData” border style=”min-height: 50px; margin-top: 30px” max-height=”440″ row-key=”id”//This is the key point > </el-table> npm i sortablejs import Sortable from “sortablejs”; //Drag and drop rows rowDrop() { this.$nextTick(() => { const tbody = document.querySelector( “.el-table__body-wrapper tbody” ); const _this = this; Sortable.create(tbody, { onEnd({ newIndex, oldIndex }) { […]