MySQL5: MySQL data storage file; the index and data in MylSAM are two independent files. How does it find the data through the index? Clustered index/clustered index, why does the secondary index in InnoDB not store addresses but key values? How to understand row ID?

MySQL5: MySQL data storage file; the index and data in MylSAM are two independent files. How does it find the data through the index? Clustered index/clustered index, why does the secondary index in InnoDB not store addresses but key values? How to understand row ID? MySQL data storage file How to implement different storage engine […]

4 Ways to Find and Delete Duplicate Files in Linux

In this tutorial, you will learn how to find and delete duplicate files in Linux using rdfind and fdupes command line tools and GUI tools called DupeGuru and FSlint. A word of caution – always be careful what you delete on your system as this may result in unnecessary data loss. If you are using […]

The use of Feign under Spring cloud multi-module development, and the solution to the exception that @FeignClient injects beans and cannot find it

1. About Feign In the development of microservice architecture, we often call other services in a project. In fact, this requirement can be achieved using Spring Cloud Ribbon. RestTemplate’s request interception is used to implement interface calls to dependent services. However, in actual projects, service dependencies There may be more than one call, and often […]

23-24C++ (46)–String string+ getline(cin, s)+a.length()+a.substr(x, y)+a.find(b)+a.rfind(b)

1. Characters and strings 1. Character: a single character enclosed in single quotes, Such as ‘a’, ‘_’, the corresponding data type is char. 2. String: any number of characters enclosed in double quotes, Such as “abc”, “a”, “”, ” “, the corresponding data type is const char [], which can be stored in the string […]

Two-dimensional feature framework – using feature 2D + homology technology to find known objects OpenCV v4.8.0

Previous tutorial: Feature matching using FLANN Next tutorial: Detection of planar objects Original author Ana Huamán Compatibility OpenCV >= 3.0 Goals In this tutorial you will learn how to Use the function cv::findHomography to find transformations between matching keypoints. Use the function cv::perspectiveTransform to map points. Warning You need to use the OpenCV contrib module […]

Redis finds and deletes key

redis is installed on the server with IP address x.x.x.x redisInstallation The first step is to install the compilation tools and library files. Command: yum -y install make zlib zlib-devel gcc-c++ libtool openssl openssl-devel The second step is to download the redis installation package. Command: cd /usr/local/src wget The third step is to unzip […]

Find textures with only a single color in Unity project

How to use Just create a folder called Editor in the Project window and add this script there. Then, open Window – Monochrome Texture Detector and click Refresh. You may ask, why do I need this? Some textures can be 1024×1024 or larger and contain only a single color (many art assets on the Asset […]

Find the longest repeating substring in a string—-Finding feature vector N method

Article directory topic Question analysis Implementation details Functions and their functions Use parameters and specific functions getmax_N(string P,int* N): Next(string P) main() Program running results Supplement (code explanation of feature vector N) Title Write an algorithm to return the longest repeating substring and its subscript position for a given string str. eg: str=”abcdacdac”, then the […]

CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:11 (find_package): By not providing “Findexample_ros2_interfaces/.cm

Starting >>> example_interfaces_rclcpp — stderr: example_interfaces_rclcpp CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:11 (find_package): By not providing “Findexample_ros2_interfaces/.cmake” in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this project has asked CMake to find a package configuration file provided by “example_ros2_interfaces/”, but CMake did not find one. Could not find a package configuration file provided by “example_ros2_interfaces/” with any of the following names: example_ros2_interfaces/Config.cmake example_ros2_interfaces/-config.cmake […]