hugo-stack for github

The differences between the static blog frameworks jekyll, hexo and hugo Blog generator? The full name is static website generator, which can be hosted (hosted) in any environment with hosting capabilities and can be directly matched with domain names for global access. Disadvantage: Every time you update a web page, you must regenerate the entire […]

FinRL: introduction and github page

Disclaimer: Nothing in this article is financial advice, nor is it a recommendation to trade real money. Please use common sense and always consult a professional before trading or investing. The AI4Finance community provides this demo and educational resources to effectively automate trading. FinRL is the first open source framework for financial reinforcement learning. Reinforcement […]


Article directory 1. What is git? 2. Basic use of git 1. Basic operations of git 3. Git branch management 1. Basic commands for branches 2. tag tag 4. Remote warehouse 1. GitHub 1. Static page of github 2. Gitee 1. Clone the code 2. Submit code 3. gitignore ignores files 3. docusaurus quickly deploys […]

Use vue3 to build vue component library from scratch vue3 +pnpm +workspace+ vitepress + vite automated deployment github

online connection Online component address dc-pro-component 1. Project construction, create project dc-pro-component pnpm init pnpm install @vitejs/plugin-vue vite -D pnpm-workspace.yaml soft link packages: – “packages/**” – “examples” 2. Create folders and component tests written by examples pnpm init Create the src folder and create the corresponding file config file content import {<!– –> defineConfig } […]

Example analysis of C++ implementation of WebRTC on github

The link is as follows This example is divided into four parts, consisting of two classes, a structure and a main function, one by one, as follows struct Ice ICE (Interactive Connectivity Establishment) is used to establish connections struct Ice {<!– –> std::string candidate; std::string sdp_mid; // Returns the value of the “a=mid” attribute […]

The new generation of open source speech library CoQui TTS rushed to GitHub 20.5k Star

Coqui TTS project introduction Coqui Text-to-Speech (TTS) is a new generation of low-resource zero-sample text-to-speech model based on deep learning and has the ability to synthesize speech in multiple languages. This model can use common learning technology to convert knowledge from training data sets in each language to effectively reduce the amount of training data […]

QT Creator configures Github Copilot

Table of Contents Official website original text Actual configuration operations Get Github Copilot for free Configure QT Github Copilot Configure Github Copilot in Neovim Connect Neovim, copilot with QT how to use Official website original text Using GitHub Copilot The Copilot plugin (disabled by default) integrates GitHub Copilot into Qt Creator. You can view suggestions […]

Vicuna of LLMs: Implement Vicuna-7B localized deployment (based on facebookresearch’s GitHub) on the Linux server system to merge model weights (llama-7b model and delta model weights), model department

Vicuna of LLMs: A graphic tutorial on implementing Vicuna-7B localized deployment (based on facebookresearch’s GitHub) on a Linux server system to merge model weights (llama-7b model and delta model weights), model deployment, and implement the full process steps of model inference (Very detailed) Introduction: Because the training cost of Vicuna is very low, it is […]