[Feature Extraction] Extract brainwave delta, theta, alhpa, beta, and gamma based on Matlab

v Personal homepage: Matlab Research Studio Personal credo: Investigate things to gain knowledge. For more complete Matlab code and simulation customization content, click Intelligent optimization algorithm Neural network prediction Radar communication Wireless sensor Power system Signal processing Image processing Path planning Cellular automaton Drone Content introduction Brain waves are electrical signals emitted by the human […]

[Feature Extraction] Extract brainwave delta, theta, alhpa, beta, and gamma based on Matlab

?About the author: A Matlab simulation developer who loves scientific research. He cultivates his mind and improves his technology simultaneously. For cooperation on MATLAB projects, please send a private message. Personal homepage: Matlab Research Studio Personal credo: Investigate things to gain knowledge. For more Matlab complete code and simulation customization content, click Intelligent optimization algorithm […]

zeppelin+minio+Delta Lake configuration

1. Configure minio minio installation The first step is to enter the /opt directory and create the minio folder cd /opt mkdir minio The second step is to download the installation package with wget: Command: wget https://dl.minio.io/server/minio/release/linux-amd64/minio The third step is to enter the minio folder and create a log file. cd /minio touch minio.log […]

Vicuna of LLMs: Implement Vicuna-7B localized deployment (based on facebookresearch’s GitHub) on the Linux server system to merge model weights (llama-7b model and delta model weights), model department

Vicuna of LLMs: A graphic tutorial on implementing Vicuna-7B localized deployment (based on facebookresearch’s GitHub) on a Linux server system to merge model weights (llama-7b model and delta model weights), model deployment, and implement the full process steps of model inference (Very detailed) Introduction: Because the training cost of Vicuna is very low, it is […]

Delta Lake: High-Performance ACID Table Storage over Cloud Object St is equivalent to using generic functions to save type information ores

1. What is the PhysicsRaycaster component? PhysicsRaycaster is a component in Unity UGUI that is used for physical ray detection on UI elements. It can detect whether a mouse or touch event occurs on a UI element and pass the event to the corresponding UI element. 2. The working principle of PhysicsRaycaster PhysicsRaycaster detects UI […]

Delta Lake: High-Performant, scalable ACID Table Storage over Cloud Object Stores

1. Preface As we all know, Java is a cross-platform language with different implementations for different operating systems. This article uses a very simple API call to see how Java does it. 2. Source code analysis From FileInputStream.java, we can see that readBytes finally is a native call /** * Reads a subarray as a […]

Delta Lake: High-Perf traditional relational database ormance ACID Table Storage over Cloud Object Stores

1. What is the PhysicsRaycaster component? PhysicsRaycaster is a component in Unity UGUI that is used for physical ray detection on UI elements. It can detect whether a mouse or touch event occurs on a UI element and pass the event to the corresponding UI element. 2. The working principle of PhysicsRaycaster PhysicsRaycaster detects UI […]

Delta Lak Traditional Relational Database: High-Performance ACID Table Storage over Cloud Object Stores

Create business user Different from the authenticated user IdentityUser of the identity management module (Identity module), the business user (BusinessUser) is a domain model centered around the definition of “user” in the business system. For example: in a hospital system, business users can be doctors, nurses, and patients; in an OA system, business users can […]

Delta Lake: High-Performance ACID Table Storage over Cloud Ob synchronizer will update business users’ basic information ject Stores

1. Navigation and routing In Flutter, navigation and routing are key concepts for building multi-page applications. Navigation is the process of switching from one page (or routing) to another. Each page corresponds to a Widget. In Flutter, page switching is managed by Navigator. 1.1. Basic Navigation In Flutter, use MaterialApp to manage the navigation stack. […]