Docker deploys Nexus Maven private library

Docker deploys Nexus Maven private library Environment: Operating system: Linux Centos8 docker version: 20.10.23 docker image: REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE sonatype/nexus3 latest 589f7296a4a2 22 months ago 655MB Nexus official website: Effect Steps 1. Pull the image Command: docker pull Output: Using default tag: latest latest: Pulling from sonatype/nexus3 26f1167feaf7: Pull complete […]

c++ third-party library manager vcpkg imports libraries like python

Introducing the background of vcpkg What is vcpkg vcpkg is an open source C++ library management tool that helps developers quickly install and manage C++ libraries on operating systems such as Windows, Linux, and macOS. vcpkg supports more than 1500 C++ libraries, including Boost, OpenSSL, SDL2 and other commonly used libraries. The history and development […]

“Dependency Injection” of golang library

Article directory 1. Write at the front 2. Dependency injection 2.1 Usage scenarios 2.2 Framework comparison 3. Examples of fx framework usage scenarios 3.1 Example 3.2 golang native library 3.3 fx library 3.4 Comparison 3.4.1 Comparison of the above two implementation methods 3.4.2 About over-design 3.4.3 Enlightenment 4. Thoughts 5. References 1. Write at the […]

WebSphere Liberty (1)

WebSphere Liberty (1) Installation 1. Download WebSphere Liberty from the official website 2. Unzip Extract to D:\wlp-webProfile7-java8- 3. Start D:\wlp-webProfile7-java8-\wlp\bin>server start Starting server defaultServer. Server defaultServer has been started. 4. Verify service startup http://localhost:9080 5. Stop service D:\wlp-webProfile7-java8-\wlp\bin>server stop Stopping server defaultServer. Server defaultServer has stopped. 6. Install background management 6.1 Find admin […]

Matplotlib_plotting canvas configuration

Canvas Configuration plt.figure() figsize:canvas size, width and height #Import the two libraries numpy and matplotlib.pyplot import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #Created a graphics window with a size of 5×3 inches. plt.figure(figsize=(5, 3)) # Draw sine curve x = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi) y = np.sin(x) plt.plot(x, y) If the canvas size is changed […]

Use the tkinter library in python to make a beating purple heart

# Beating Heart # default input import random from math import sin, cos, pi, log from tkinter import * CANVAS_WIDTH = 980 # Canvas height CANVAS_HEIGHT = 720 #Canvas width CANVAS_CENTER_X = CANVAS_WIDTH / 2 # Canvas center point x-axis coordinate CANVAS_CENTER_Y = CANVAS_HEIGHT / 2 # The x-axis coordinate of the canvas center point […]

IIC protocol reads temperature and humidity data (HAL library)

Directory 1. I2C bus protocol 1.1. Introduction to I2C 1.2. Hardware I2C 1.3. Protocol layer 1.3.1 I2C communication composite format 1.3.2 Start and stop signals of communication 1.3.3 Data validity 1.3.4 Address and data direction 1.3.5 Response 2. IIC protocol reads temperature and humidity data 2.1 Experimental content and AHT20 2.2 CubeMX configuration 2.2.1 System […]

stm car HAL library speed measurement PID speed regulation Bluetooth OLED use

//Redirect serial port one int fputc(int ch,FILE *stream) { HAL_UART_Transmit( & amp;huart1,( uint8_t *) & amp;ch,1,0xFFFF); return ch; } //typedef struct __FILE FILE; When using printf, add #include<stdio.h>; 2. Serial port interrupt callback function uint8_t g_ucUsart3ReceiveData; //Save the data received by serial port 3 main.c HAL_UART_Receive_IT( & amp;huart3, & amp;g_ucUsart3ReceiveData,1); //Serial port three receives data […]

STM32-HAL library 09-CAN communication (loopback mode)

1. Materials used: STM32F103C6T6 Minimum System Board STM32CUBEMX (HAL library software) MDK5 Serial debugging assistant 2. What you learned: Preliminarily learn how to use the CAN communication function of STM32. In this chapter, we mainly achieve the effect of on-board CAN communication, that is, 32 sends CAN information and then prints it out through the […]

[Git] Gui graphical management, SSH protocol private library integrated with IDEA use

1. Using Gui graphical interface 1. Open the manager according to your needs 2. Clone an existing library 3. Introduction to graphical interface 1. First update a code file in the local warehouse and use it: 2. Enter the graphical management interface to refresh code resources: 3. Click Stage changed to track the file and […]