# Poverty alleviation and assistance system source code based on Java-SpringBoot2.X-VUE-Antd-MyBatis-Shiro-Graduation Project

Poverty alleviation system source code based on Java-SpringBoot2.X-VUE-Antd-MyBatis-Shiro-Graduation Project Introduction SpringBoot2. System overview diagram Contact the author This is the author’s WeChat QR code. If you need the source code of this project, you can scan the code or contact the author at VX:flyCoding2. Demo address Login address: https://www.skywalking.pro/poor-assist Login account: admin Login password: 123456 […]

k-Wave丨Photoacoustic imaging simulation丨Definition of Gaussian sensor frequency response + comparison of simulation functions + setting of initial pressure gradient (5)

This article introduces– 1.How to define Gaussian sensor frequency response: How to express the frequency response of a detector (for example: piezoelectric ultrasonic transducer) when the response has a Gaussian shape, based on the example of a homogeneous propagation medium; 2.Comparison of simulated functions: Introducing a brief comparison between the simulated functions “kspaceFirstOrder2D” and “kspaceecondorder”. […]

Java Graduation Project JavaWeb Animal Adoption Website Based on Jsp+Servlet

Project type: JAVA WEB project Project name: JavaWeb animal adoption website based on Jsp + Servlet User type: dual roles (administrator + caring person) Design pattern: Jsp + Servlet Development Tools: Eclipse Database: Mysql + Navicat Database table: 6 sheets Applicable: When studying and experimenting with JAVA courses such as software engineering, computer science and […]

Android–Gradle plug-in gradle-wrapper.properties

1. Android Studio version, Android Gradle plug-in version, Gradle version Android Studio uses Gradle to build code through the Android Gradle plug-in; After each upgrade of Android Studio, the Android Gradle plug-in is automatically updated, and the corresponding Gradle version will also change; Therefore, the following correspondence will be generated: (1) Correspondence between Android Studio […]

[SCM Graduation Project] [cl-023] In-vehicle environment monitoring

1. Basic introduction Item name: Design of vehicle interior environment monitoring system based on single-chip microcomputer Project name: In-car environment monitoring Microcontroller type: STM32F103C8T6 Specific functions: 1. Detect temperature and humidity through DHT11 2. Detect harmful gas concentration through MQ-135 3. Use human body pyroelectricity to detect whether there is someone. If there is someone, […]

[SCM graduation project] [cl-014] Intelligent traffic lights | Intelligent traffic lights | Time-variable traffic lights

1. Basic introduction Item name: Design of intelligent traffic light monitoring system based on microcontroller Design of intelligent traffic light monitoring system based on microcontroller Design of time-variable traffic light detection system based on microcontroller Project name: traffic light Project number: mcuclub-cl-014 Microcontroller type: STC89C52 Specific functions: 1. There are four directions: east, west, north […]

[SCM Graduation Project] [cl-010] Alarm for people stranded in the car | Alarm for children stranded in the car | Children accidentally lock the car

1. Basic introduction Item name: Design of vehicle personnel stranded alarm system based on microcontroller Design of child stranded alarm system in car based on microcontroller Design of children’s accidental car locking system based on microcontroller Project name: Alarm for people staying in the car Project number: mcuclub-cl-019 Microcontroller type: STC89C52 Specific functions: 1. Use […]

How to build a new generation of real-time lake warehouse? Kangaroo Cloud’s exploration and upgrade path based on data lake

In the previous series of real-time lake warehouse articles, we have introduced the importance of real-time lake warehouse for the current digital transformation of enterprises, the functional architecture design of real-time lake warehouse, and the application scenarios of the combination of real-time computing and data lake. In this article, we will introduce the exploration and […]

Application example of upgrading related functions based on ESP32 development board using MiSiQi application WIFI (key/advanced)+EEPROM+MQTT+OTA

I am an amateur electronics enthusiast and can use Chinese programming such as Yi Language and e4a. I have recently played with several microcontroller development boards and used MiSiQi for programming. I found that MiSiQi is good at simple programming but has more complex functions. Programming is difficult to use, especially for friends like me […]

Develop trading strategies based on Python sentiment analysis

How to use sentiment analysis in Python to develop profitable trading strategies. Search and follow “Python Learning and Research Basecamp” on WeChat, join the reader group, and share more exciting things In a rapidly evolving financial market environment, traders are constantly looking for innovative ways to gain a competitive advantage. Sentiment analysis has become a […]