Java8 Stream’s sorted() sorting. Forward order, reverse order, multi-field sorting

For collection sorting, java8 can use sorted() of the Stream stream for sorting. ExampleBeans We will use this Bean as an example below. public class Order {<!– –> private String weight; private Double price; private String dateStr; //Ignore getter, setter, constructor, toString } Field sorting The first is the comparator Comparator, which has the following […]

Redis Practical Combat | Use Redis’s Sorted Set to implement the ranking function and integrate with Spring Boot

A collection of columns that you can save for emergencies Spring Cloud practical column: Python practical column: Logback detailed explanation column: tensorflow column: Redis column: Spring Cloud actual combat: Spring Cloud Practical Combat | Decrypting the underlying principles of Feign, including practical source code Spring Cloud Practical Combat | Decrypting […]

[Algorithm Challenge] The maximum number of blocks that can be sorted II (including analysis and source code)

768. Maximum number of blocks that can be sorted II 768. Maximum number of blocks that can be sorted II Question description Method 1: Sliding window Ideas Complexity analysis Code (JS/C++) Method 2: Monotone Stack Ideas Illustration Complexity analysis Code (JS/C++) Title description This question is similar to “The maximum number of blocks that […]

Binary Sorted Trees: The Art of Data Storage

Article directory Preface Binary Search Tree (BST) definition time complexity space complexity tree operations insert Find delete Java version implementation Advantages and Disadvantages advantage Quick search operation Orderliness Supports insertion and deletion operations memory efficiency shortcoming Imbalance Sensitive to data distribution Remove operational complexity scenes to be used Foreword Hello, everyone, I am Lroin. Today […]

max() and sorted() methods in Stream

Requirement: The development department of a certain company is divided into development department 1 and development department 2, and now needs to conduct mid-year data settlement. Analysis: Employee information includes at least (name, gender, salary, bonus, penalty record) Development Department 1 has 4 employees and Development Department 2 has 5 employees Filter out the employee […]

Why is it faster to process sorted arrays than unsorted arrays?

Content from DOC is processing sorted arrays faster than processing unsorted arrays? In this C++ code, sorting the data before timing the region (*) makes the main loop 6 times faster: #include <algorithm> #include <ctime> #include <iostream> int main() {<!– –> // Generate data const unsigned arraySize = 32768; int data[arraySize]; for (unsigned c […]

For the nearest point pair problem on the plane, the points in X are sorted by the abscissa, and the points in Y are sorted by the ordinate, removing the time complexity of recursive implementation Θ(log?).

First implement the Point class to store the coordinate data of each point. class Point {<!– –> double x, y; public Point(double x, double y) {<!– –> this.x = x; this.y = y; } } Implement the distance calculation method between two points distance(p1, p2), which is used to calculate the distance between two points. […]

java8 Stream field sorting sorted()

Stream’s sorted() In java8, you can use sorted() of the Stream stream for sorting. Example Bean We will use this Bean as an example below. public class Order { private String weight; private Double price; private String dateStr; //Ignore getter, setter, constructor, toString } Original way of writing sort comparison The more original way of […]

Why is list.sort() faster than Stream().sorted()?

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