[Vuex+ElementUI] The use of value retrieval, storage and asynchronous loading in Vuex

1. Introduction 1. Introduction Vuex is a state management pattern and library for Vue.js applications. It is built on the reactive system of Vue.js and provides a centralized way to manage application state. With Vuex, you can store the state of your application in a single location (i.e. “storage”) and modify it in a predictable […]

“Advanced Vue State Management – The Charm and Application of Vuex”

Directory introduction 1. Introduction to Vuex 1.1 What is Vuex? 1.2 Core concepts of Vuex 2. Vuex value acquisition and change (comprehensive case) 3. Vuex asynchronous request Summarize Introduction In modern web development, front-end applications are becoming more and more complex. As applications scale and the complexity of data flows increases, effectively managing the state […]

Vuex summation cases and mapstate, mapmutations, mapgetters

main.js import Vue from ‘vue’ import App from ‘./App.vue’ //Introduce vuex import Vuex from ‘vuex’ //Introduce store import store from ‘./store/index’ Vue.config.productionTip = false newVue({ el:”#app”, render: h => h(App), store, beforeCreate(){ Vue.prototype.$bus = this } }) App.vue <template> <div class=”container”> <Count/> </div> </template> <script> import Count from ‘./components/Count’ export default { name:’App’, components:{Count}, mounted(){ […]

[Vuex+ElementUI] The use of value retrieval, storage and asynchronous loading in Vuex

[Vuex + ElementUI] The use of value retrieval, storage and asynchronous loading in Vuex First level directory 1. Introduction to vuex: 2.vuex usage steps 3.Vuex value 4 Vuex save value 5. Vuex asynchronous loading 5.Background request First-level directory Introduction to 1.vuex: Vuex is a state management pattern developed specifically for Vue.js applications. It can solve […]

Vuex->vuex gets the value and changes the value, vuex asynchronous request

vuex gets value and changes value vuex asynchronous request 1.vuex gets the value and changes the value Vuex is divided into five parts: 1.State: single state tree 2.Getters: status acquisition 3.Mutations: Trigger synchronization events 4.Actions: Submit mutation, which can include asynchronous operations 5.Module: Divide vuex into modules Vuex installation npm install vuex -S npm i […]

How to use Vuex and handle asynchronous issues

Yanyanye: Personal homepage Personal column: “Integration of Spring and Mybatis” “Usage of Vue.js” The ideal of life, in order to constantly renew yourself! Table of Contents 1.Vuex introduction: 2.vuex gets the value 2.1 Installation 2.2.Menu bar 2.3.Modules 2.4 Use 3.Change value 4.Vuex asynchronous loading problem handling 1.Vuex introduction: Vuex is a state management pattern developed […]

Eleven: Vuex, getters, mapState, mapGetters, mapActions, mapMutations, multi-component shared data, vuex modularization

一.vuex 1.vuex introduction What is it? vuex is a vue plug-in that implements centralized state (data) management in Vue. Centralized is like a teacher teaching a group of students, and the state is data; Vuex centrally manages (read and write) the shared data of multiple components in Vue applications, and is suitable for communication between […]

Vuex value storage and asynchronous request processing

Table of Contents Preface 1. Introduction to Vuex 1.What is Vuex 2.The core concepts of Vuex 3. Benefits of using Vuex 4.Vuex execution process 2. Steps to use Vuex 1. Install Vuex 2. Create a store module and maintain state/actions/mutations/getters respectively. 3. Use Vuex to store values, get values and change values 1.state.js—Save value 2.mutations.js—change […]

Vuex obtains, modifies parameter values and asynchronous data processing

1. Introduction to Vuex 1.1 vuex introduction Vuex is a state management mode specially developed for Vue applications. It extracts the shared state of components and manages them in a global singleton mode. The component tree forms a huge view. No matter where the component is in the tree, any component can Ability to obtain […]

vue3 project construction process cli scaffolding construction, component installation, axios packaging, vuex packaging and other operations

In my free time, I learned about the construction process and better packaging methods of vue3. Here I will summarize its content and share it with you; Directory Scaffolding construction project UI framework axios package VueX Scaffolding construction Developed using Vscode; Needless to say about development environments such as node and npm, it will be […]