jstack java stack tracing tool

jstack java stack tracing tool 1. Introduction to jstack jstack (stack trace for java) is a stack tracing tool that comes with the Java virtual machine. jstack is mainly used to generate a thread snapshot of the current moment of the Java virtual machine. The thread snapshot is the method currently being executed by each […]

Why use virtual environment in python? (Virtual environment function and virtual environment construction, switching, exit, migration and packaging) code demonstration. Official venv usage (**)

Detailed graphic and text explanation of python’s virtual environment (virtual environment functions and virtual environment construction, switching, exit, migration and packaging) code demonstration https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_45440484/article/details/130144943 http://www.360doc.com/content/23/0828/21/1339386_1094251670.shtml Why use a virtual environment? First, a virtual environment helps keep your projects clean and separate. You don’t have to worry about one project’s dependencies breaking another, which makes project […]

How webpack works

Directory Merge code Modular Webpack packaging The structure of webpack webpack source code addEntry and _addModuleChain buildModule Compilation hook Output build results Understand the implementation principles of webpack, master the basic workflow of webpack, and use webpack in daily life When encountering a problem, it can help us gain insight into the root of the […]

Data structure: Principle and implementation of red-black tree

Article directory Red black tree concept red black tree properties Simulation implementation of red-black tree Red-black tree balance problem Overall implementation and testing This article is used to disassemble and simulate the red-black tree, laying the foundation for subsequent map and set encapsulation. The concept of red-black trees The red-black tree is also a binary […]

MySQL Backup and Recovery Best Practices: The Ultimate Guide

As businesses and applications increasingly rely on MySQL databases to manage their critical data, ensuring data reliability and availability becomes critical. In this digital information age, a strong backup and recovery strategy is the backbone of application stability. In this article, we will review all the commonly used MySQL backup and recovery strategies, which are […]

k8s’s Init Containers container implements code version upgrade release and deployment version rollback: practical operation version

Initialization containers in Pod: Init Containers Theoretical premise of initContainers implementation: Containers in the same Pod share network, volume and other resources Init Containers In Kubernetes, an init container is a container that is started and executed before other containers in the same Pod. Its purpose is to perform initialization logic for the main application […]

[Dos system] Windows black box

1. Directory operation commands 1. Introduction: The operation commands mentioned next are also called “DOS commands”; It is used in DOS systems, and DOS systems are compatible with Windows systems. 2.DOS system operation: win + R —-> Open the run window —-> Enter cmd —–> Press Enter and it will open The prompt information for […]

Golang standard library: bytes package – byte slice byte array convenient operation

2.2 bytes – byte slice convenient operation This package defines some convenience operations for manipulating byte slices. Because strings can be represented as []byte, the functions and methods defined by the bytes package are very similar to the strings package, so the explanation will be similar to the strings package and can even be referred […]

Solve javax.persistence.RollbackException: Transaction marked as rollbackOnly Ask

Table of Contents Solve javax.persistence.RollbackException: Transaction marked as rollbackOnly Ask Abnormal 1. Apply logic 2. Persistence context issues 3. Restraint violations Approach 1. Check application logic 2. Review persistence context management 3. Check for constraint violations 4. Exception handling and logging 5. Reference documentation and community support in conclusion Resolving javax.persistence.RollbackException: Transaction marked as rollbackOnly […]