Quartus II (13.1) How to create a new project + simulation + hardware and load the counter asynchronously as an example

There are too many softwares required for EDA courses. I am afraid that my memory will be fuzzy when I use them in the future, so I decided to simply write a (very detailed) process of creating a new project and simulation. This is also my first blog, maybe There are many problems, please point […]

Regarding various issues in Goby’s counter-attack online CS

Foreword ? Goby, as a new generation of network security technology, achieves rapid security emergency response by establishing a complete asset database for the target, and provides a convenient penetration experience for the majority of masters on a daily basis. Recently, I observed that some honeypots had Goby countermeasure fingerprints. I immediately became interested in […]

Several pitfalls encountered when running bmask-rcnn

Source code address hustvl/BMaskR-CNN: Boundary-preserving Mask R-CNN (ECCV 2020) (github.com) 1. Problem encountered 1: Installing detectron2 Please be sure to follow the official tutorial for installation, especially when using windows + anaconda. It is recommended to install from source code. Never pip Official installation tutorial: Use Custom Datasets – detectron2 0.6 documentation 2. Problem 2: […]

Two problems encountered in okhttp post request header post parameter encryption

If you have questions about whether it is necessary to encrypt parameters after using https for network requests, you can read my last article: Network Security https. Remember to read it patiently. Let me talk about the questions below: Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unexpected char 0x0a At first, I thought it was the okhttp framework that […]

Ship motion planning method based on model prediction of artificial potential field, COLREG Matlab code implementation considering complex encounter scenarios…

?About the author: A Matlab simulation developer who loves scientific research. He cultivates his mind and improves his technology simultaneously. For cooperation on MATLAB projects, please send a private message. Personal homepage: Matlab Research Studio Personal credo: Investigate things to gain knowledge. For more complete Matlab code and simulation customization content, click Intelligent optimization algorithm […]

Pitfalls and solutions encountered when using GPU to train paddleocr model on new ubuntu

Directory 1. My ubuntu version! [Insert image description here](https://img-blog.csdnimg.cn/297945917309494ab03b50764e6fb775.png) 2. First pull the paddleocr source code 3. Download the model 4. Preparation before training 1. Create a file in the source code folder to put your own things 2. Prepare data 2.1 Data annotation 2.2 Data division 3. Rewrite the yml configuration file 4.Install anaconda […]

Based on the STC series microcontroller, the timer 0 scans the digital tube to display the timer/counter 1 as the counter 1 frequency generation function.

#define uchar unsigned char//Customized unsigned character type is uchar #define uint unsigned int//Customized unsigned integer type is uint #define NixieTubeSegmentCode P0//Customized digital tube segment code is the P0 group pin of the microcontroller #define NixieTubeBitCode P2//Customized digital tube bit code is the P2 group pin of the microcontroller sbit LED P1^0;//The bit defines the LED […]

Problems encountered in yoloV5 model training

1. Data set configuration issues train: WARNING: D:\dataSet\test\images\train\0001.jpg: ignoring corrupt image/label: train file configuration My problem here is the yaml file path configuration of the data set. When YOLOv5 loads the data, it will replace the images string in your path with labels to find the txt mark file. It is worth noting that the […]