Equipped with Android5.1 based on RK3229 to modify the default desktop Launcher at startup

1. Find ActivityManagerService.java Find the ActivityManagerService.java file in the ..\rk3229_5.1_box\frameworks\base\services\core\java\com\android\server\am directory. Find setDefaultLauncher in the startHomeActivityLocked function in the file. boolean startHomeActivityLocked(int userId, String reason) { setDefaultLauncher(userId); if (mFactoryTest == FactoryTest.FACTORY_TEST_LOW_LEVEL & amp; & amp; mTopAction == null) { // We are running in factory test mode, but unable to find // the factory test […]

C++6 default member functions (in classes and objects)

Table of Contents default member function 1. Constructor 1.1 Concept of constructor 1.2 The constructor you wrote and how to call it 1.2.1 Date implementation 1.2.2 Implementation of stack 1.3 Default constructor generated by the compiler 1.3.1 Date implementation 1.3.1 Implementation of stack 1.3.3 Implementation of queue (two stacks implement one queue) 2. Destructor 2.1 […]

Preliminary C++ (2) Default parameters, references and inline functions

Introduction C++ is a powerful programming language with rich features to suit various programming needs. This article will introduce three important features in C++: default parameters, references, and inline functions. I will discuss their concepts, features, and usage scenarios in detail, illustrating them with code and comments. 1. Default parameters 1.1 Default parameter concept Default […]

In ffmpeg, why is the network video stream h264 converted to YUV by default instead of other formats?

When making online videos, knowing and clarifying some video programming concepts early will save you a lot of detours. Corresponding to video transcoding and transmission, if you follow the code directly at first, it is easy to feel that you understand everything, but why you do this seems to be explained in detail. For example: […]

Use Terraform to manage existing kubernates and default node pools

background: When creating a cluster through terraform resource “alicloud_cs_managed_kubernetes” “k8s” {…}, a default node pool default-nodepool will be generated, but how to modify the information of this default node pool? Solutions: Because there is no default-nodepool in Terraform’s state file, if you go directly to main.tf to create the node pool default-nodepool, your existing node […]

Set the database to start with spfile by default, and set the database SGA size to 2G and PGA size to 200M.

Check the database default startup file first: SELECT value FROM v$parameter WHERE name = ‘spfile’; It can be seen that the database defaults to SPFILE startup Use the following command to check whether the current session is using SPFILE or PFILE: First, set the MEMORY_TARGET parameter to 0. This will ensure that Oracle does not […]

Scanning scheme for default file system types

1. Introduction Normally, when we need to traverse the entire disk, we will choose to use the interface provided by the system, or call the filesystem module in the standard library or boost library. The traversal method of the filesystem library is relatively simple, so this article only lists the usage of the system traversal […]

Solving AttributeError: module tensorflow has no attribute reset_default_graph

Table of Contents Solving AttributeError: module tensorflow has no attribute reset_default_graph wrong reason Solution Step 1: Check TensorFlow version Step 2: Replace obsolete methods or properties Step 3: Update code Step 4: Manually reset the default map (if applicable) in conclusion Solve AttributeError: module tensorflow has no attribute reset_default_graph When using TensorFlow for deep learning […]

C++: Default member function of class ——copy constructor && assignment operator overloading

Table of Contents I. Introduction 2. Copy constructor Concept of copy constructor Copy constructor characteristics Explanation feature 2: The copy constructor has only one parameter and must be passed by reference. Using the pass-by-value method will cause infinite recursive calls. Explanation feature 3: If no definition is displayed, the system generates a default copy constructor. […]