IsolarAB exports arxml to Matlab/Simulink to generate the model and configure the memory partition

This article uses a simple example to illustrate how to import the SWC arxml designed by Isolar into simulink to generate a model, and specify that the code generated by simulink has memory partition information. The SWC created in this article is called ECAS_Sensor_SWC. Its main function is to process sensor signals and pass them […]

Spring IOC – BeanDefinition parsing

1. Properties of BeanDefinition BeanDefinition as an interface defines the get and set methods of properties. These attributes are basically defined in its direct implementation class AbstractBeanDefinition. The meaning of each attribute is as shown in the following table: Type Name Meaning Constant SCOPE_DEFAULT Default scope: singleton mode AUTOWIRE_NO no autowiring AUTOWIRE_BY_NAME Autowire by name […]

Parse html to generate Word document

Content: Read the text content in the html file, and then generate a Word document for export. Case scenario: After the requirement development is completed, a document (code modification list) needs to be written. The content of the document is all the codes modified/added this time. The modified file paths and code snippets need to […]

Operation of partition table and bucket table in Hive

Table of Contents Partition Table First level partition table Knowledge points Example multi-level partitioning Knowledge points Example Partition table operations Example hadoop_hive documentation Bucket table Important parameters Basic bucket table Knowledge points Example Bucket table sorting Knowledge points Example Bucketing principle The difference between partition table and bucket table Partition table Partitioned table features/benefits: It […]

About defining the interface Comparable (comparator) to compare the sizes of two objects

1. Topic: Comparing the sizes of objects of different reference types: Requirement description: Although the student category and the news category are completely different categories, they both have the ability to compare. For example, you can compare the size of two students, but you need to specify whether the comparison is based on student number, […]

AI system source code ChatGPT website source code + ai painting system/support GPT4.0/support Midjourney partial editing and redrawing

1. AI creation system SparkAi creation system is an Ai intelligent question and answer system and Midjourney painting system developed based on OpenAI’s popular ChatGPT. It supports the full model of OpenAI-GPT + the full model of domestic AI. The overall test of the source code system in this issue is very perfect. It can […]

WSL + Vscode one-stop to build Hadoop pseudo-distributed + Spark environment

Wsl + Vscode one-stop to build Hadoop + Spark environment If you want to build an environment such as Linux, Hadoop, Spark, etc., the common practice now is to install a virtual machine on VM, Virtualbox and other software This article introduces how to build a relevant environment on the windows subsystem (Windows Subsystem for […]