Sprint Cloud Stream integrates RocketMq and websocket to implement message publishing and subscription

1.Introduce RocketMQ dependencies: First, add RocketMQ dependencies in the pom.xml file: <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.rocketmq</groupId> <artifactId>rocketmq-spring-boot-starter</artifactId> <version>2.2.0</version> <!– The version number is adjusted according to the actual situation –> </dependency> 2.Configure RocketMQ connection information: Configure RocketMQ connection information in application.properties or application.yml, including Name Server address, etc.: spring: application: name: ${sn.publish} cloud: stream: rocketmq: binder: name-server: ${rocket-mq.name-server} […]

C-style file input/output—formatted input/output—(std::vprintf, std::vfprintf, std::vsprintf, std::vsnprintf)

The C I/O subset of the C++ standard library implements C-style stream input/output operations. The <cstdio> header file provides general file support and provides functions with narrow and multibyte character input/output capabilities, while the <cwchar> header file provides functions with wide character input/output capabilities. Formatted input/output Use a variable argument list to print formatted wide […]

sprintboot + mybatis plus + dynamic-datasource multiple data switching and ensure transaction consistency of multiple data sources

Foreword: This project is a single project and does not involve distributed transactions. The requirements are relatively straightforward. It is to query the data of two databases at the same time in one request method and insert data into the two databases. Ensure transaction consistency 1. Multiple data source dependencies <dependency> <groupId>com.baomidou</groupId> <artifactId>dynamic-datasource-spring-boot-starter</artifactId> <version>3.3.5</version> </dependency> […]

The difference and connection of C language printf(), sprintf(), vsprintf()

The difference and connection between printf(), sprintf() and vsprintf() in C language printf() is most commonly used in console applications and is easy to use. Its argument is a format string. Function prototype: printf(const char *format,[argument]); For example: int a=1,b=2; printf(“a=%d,b=%d”,a,b); output: a=1,b=2 sprintf() is used to store the output in the character buffer. Function […]

Understand the use of the null character ‘\0’ and the newline character ‘\\ ‘ in the process of copying strings by the strcpy(), sprintf(), strncpy() functions

Article directory foreword One, fgets () function Two, fgets () function instructions Three, strcpy () function Four, sprintf () function Five, strncpy () function Summarize Foreword “Understanding the null character ‘\0’ and newline character ‘\\ ‘ in C language programming” In the previous article, we have learned that the compilation system will automatically add the […]

Comparison of scanf/fscanf/sscanf printf/fprintf/sprintf

Comparison of scanf/fscanf/sscanf printf/fprintf/sprintf Comparison of scanf/fscanf/sscanf scanf fscanf sscanf Comparison of printf/fprintf/sprintf Pritnf fprintf sprintf Comparison of scanf/fscanf/sscanf The function prototypes of the three are: int scanf ( const char * format, [argument ]… ); int fscanf ( FILE * stream, const char * format, [argument ]… ); int sscanf ( const char * […]


[383 pages] 1. This section does not need to look at how the code is implemented, because the standard C library function; 2. After finishing this book by yourself, it is also possible to come and study if you are interested. 8-11 vsprintf.c program 8-11-1 Function Description The program mainly includes vsprintf(), which is used […]