2023/10/30–C#–Immutable strings, string API, use of StringBuilder class, formatted strings, template strings…

1. Create and add arrays Array intArray = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(int), 5); for (int i = 0; i < intArray.Length; i + + ) { intArray.SetValue(i + 1, i); } Judge the elements in the array based on IndexOf: If there is this element, the index position of the element is displayed; if there is no such […]

Regarding object splicing in String creation, how many objects are created and whether StringBuilder is used. There are also poisonous points of decompilation

First of all, I am a newbie in programming, but I am not a complete novice either. I am just getting started. Regarding the question of how many objects are created by String, I strongly recommend that you read this article first: Java interview, how many String objects were created? I’ll let you ask! Let […]

An in-depth explanation of how to automatically expand StringBuilder when added

In-depth explanation of how to automatically expand the capacity of StringBuilder when adding it StringBuilder Overview ? A variable sequence of characters. This class provides an API compatible with StringBuffer, but does not guarantee synchronization (thread unsafe, efficient) StringBuilder function ? Mainly used for string splicing Comparison between String and StringBuilder Question: String, String can […]

Shallow reading of JDK17 source code – StringBuilder

Foreword The 24th master of soft engineering, my level: 0 offer, not guaranteed to be correct, the content of this article is only my personal understanding. Update ing… Table of Contents foreword 1. Basic Information & amp; Construction Method 2. append() 2. Expansion 1. Basic information & amp; construction method StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); […]

Java’s String class and StringBuilder class

Directory One: String class Overview of the String class Characteristics of the String class The constructor of the String class Common methods of String class Two: StringBuilder class Overview of the StringBuilder class StringBuilder class construction method Common methods of StringBuilder class Three: Mutual transformation of String and StringBuilder String -> StringBuilder StringBuilder -> String […]

Exploring Android Rich Text SpannableStringBuilder

Article directory foreword 1. What is SpannableStringBuilder? 2. Use steps 1. Sample code 2. Parameter correspondence start: The starting position where the style takes effect, including this position end: The position where the style ends, not including this position flags: There are four values as follows Spannable. SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE Spannable. SPAN_INCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE Spannable.SPAN_INCUJSIVE_INCLUSIVE Spannable. SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE what: the […]

[StringBuilder class] Add and reverse methods and convert StringBuilder and String to each other

StringBuilder class If strings are concatenated, a new String object will be constructed each time they are concatenated, which is time-consuming and wastes memory space, and this operation is unavoidable. We can solve this problem through the StringBuilder class provided by Java. StringBuilder is a variable string class, we can regard it as a container, […]

AbstractStringBuilder source code

Introduction The abstract class AbstractStringBuilder is the direct parent class of StringBuilder and StringBuffer, and defines many methods, so it is recommended to learn the AbstractStringBuilder abstract class before learning these two classes This class is annotated in the source code to exist as the parent class of the first two classes starting from JDK1.5 […]

Multiple tabs in the table body verify that a certain field is equal (Method 3: Combination of List and StringBuilder)

Multiple tabs in the table body verify that a certain field is equal (Method 3: Combination of List and StringBuilder) /** * @desc: save validation * @author: hh * @date: 2023-4-3 */ public class SaveCheckRule implements IRule<AggBgmxysVO>{<!– –> @Override public void process(AggBgmxysVO[] aggvos) {<!– –> for (int i = 0; i < aggvos. length; i […]