[CSS 29] tooltip tooltip text additional information visibility position positioning use pseudo-element space-like content attribute and border to create arrows fade in tooltip opacity from 0 to 1

CSS tooltip tooltip tooltip tooltip Creating Tooltips via CSS (Tooltip) Tooltips are often used to provide additional information about something when the user moves the mouse pointer over an element Basic tooltip Create a tooltip that is displayed when the mouse is over an element <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <style> .tooltip {<!– –> position: relative; display: […]

In-depth analysis of concurrency visibility, orderliness, atomicity and JMM memory model

Three major features of concurrency Atomicity One or more operations, either all of them are executed without being interrupted by any factors during the execution, or none of them are executed. In Java, reading and assigning operations to variables of basic data types are atomic operations (64-bit processors). Increment operations that do not take any […]

The role of [[clang::lto_visibility_public]] in IBinder of Android12 (160)

Introduction: CSDN blog expert, focusing on Android/Linux system, sharing multi-mic voice solutions, audio and video, codec and other technologies, and growing up with everyone! High-quality column: Audio Engineer Advanced Series【Original dry goods are being continuously updated…】 Life motto: There is no shortcut in life, only action is the only cure for fear and laziness. More […]

[2023, learn something new Java-24] abstract modified classes and methods | synchronized synchronization lock | volatile modified member variables | how to ensure the visibility of variables in multithreading? | How to ensure thread safety?

Review: [2023, learn something new Java-23] A preliminary understanding of modifiers in Java: static and its functions, native features, final understanding [2023, learn something new Java-22] What is the role of package in Java | Usage of import in Java | Permission modifiers in Java: private, protected, public [2023, learn something new Java-21] The grammatical […]

Postgresql snapshot snapshot source code analysis, snapshot content generation rules, and visibility are judged in this way

interpretation of postgresql snapshot source code ?Column content: postgresql kernel source code analysis Profile: My homepage Motto: When the sky is healthy, a gentleman strives for self-improvement; if the terrain is good, a gentleman carries virtue. Overview This article mainly introduces database transaction snapshots, from the perspective of source code implementation and SQL usage, the […]

Compose animation AnimatedVisibility

AnimatedVisibility( //defines whether the content should be visible visible = shown, /* slideIn, slideInVertically, slideInVertically only one can exist at the same time enter = slideInVertically( //Slide in from the fullHeight position away from itself (less than zero (above) greater than zero (below)) initialOffsetY = { fullHeight -> -fullHeight }, animationSpec = tween(durationMillis = 250, […]

[Java|Multithreading and high concurrency] volatile keyword and memory visibility issues

Article directory 1 Introduction 2. Memory visibility problems caused by compiler optimization 3. Use volatile to ensure memory visibility 5. volatile does not guarantee atomicity Looking at volatile from the perspective of JMM Summarize 1. Preface Both synchronized and volatile are important keywords in Java multithreading, but their functions and usage scenarios are different. The […]

Java high concurrency programming – the principle of visibility and order

Atomicity, visibility, and order are the three major problems faced by concurrent programming. Java has solved the atomicity problem in concurrent programming through the CAS operation. This chapter introduces how Java solves the remaining two problems-visibility and order. CPU physical cache structure Since the computing speed of the CPU is much faster than the access […]