Reprint: TransXNet: A new CNN-Transformer visual backbone that aggregates global and local information, with powerful performance!

Article address:</code><code>Project address: 00 | Introduction Current situation: Recent research integrates convolutions into transformers to introduce inductive bias and improve generalization performance. (1) The static characteristics of traditional convolution make it unable to dynamically adapt to input changes, resulting in a representation difference between convolution and self-attention, because self-attention dynamically calculates the attention […]

MySQL error Expression #2 of SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column solution

Error reason Using the GROUP BY statement violates sql_mode=only_full_group_by. In MySQL database version 5.7 or above, the ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY SQL mode is enabled by default. In this mode, for the group by operation, if the query column in the select statement is not in the group by appears, then this SQL is illegal because the column […]

Using NEST for ElasticSearch aggregate query

ElasticSearch aggregation Aggregation in Elasticsearch is a mechanism for extracting and displaying data in a structured way. Think of it as the GROUP BY statement in SQL, but more powerful and flexible. Aggregation type Elasticsearch supports many types of aggregations, including: Metrics aggregations: Mainly used for statistics of indicators such as maximum value, minimum value, […]

Mysql database 5.SQL language aggregate function language date-string function

1. Aggregation function SQL provides some functions that can calculate the columns of the queried records – aggregate functions. 1.count() statistical function, counts the number of values of specified characters that meet the conditions The number of rebirth_mood in the statistics table select count(column name) from table name; #The number of rebirth_name=’lcl’ in the statistical […]

ElasticSearch document score calculation & aggregate search case analysis

1. ElasticSearch document score_score calculationUnderlying principle Lucene (or Elasticsearch) uses a Boolean model to find matching documents and a formula called a practical scoring function to calculate relevance. This formula draws on term frequency/inverse document frequency and vector space model, and also adds some modern new features, such as coordination factor and field length normalization. […]

Kingbase ES custom aggregate function and one-time rewrite case

Article summary: The SQL syntax of KES is temporarily not compatible with the creation syntax and process of Oracle’s custom aggregate function, but it can be rewritten using the syntax that KES already supports. This article organizes and briefly analyzes the principles of custom aggregate functions and interprets the sample code. And rewritten according to […]

Implementation of an efficient and memory-saving aggregate data structure

Implementation of an efficient and memory-saving aggregate data structure In certain scenarios, special customized data structures can achieve better performance and save memory. Problems with aggregate function GroupArray The GroupArray aggregation function groups the group contents into arrays, such as the following example: SELECT groupArray(concat(‘ABC-‘, toString(number))) from numbers(20) group by number % 5; ————————————————– —- […]

How to use SQL series – How to use mathematical expressions and aggregate functions in SQL

Introduction Structured Query Language (SQL) is used to store, manage, and organize information in a relational database management system (RDBMS). SQL can also calculate and manipulate data through Expressions. Expressions combine various SQL operators, functions, and values to calculate a value. Mathematical expressions are often used to add, subtract, divide, and multiply numerical values. Additionally, […]

AggregateFunction combines with custom triggers to implement click-through rate calculation

Background: Continuing from the previous article, ProcessWindowFunction combined with a custom trigger will cause the problem of too large a state. This article uses AggregateFunction combined with a custom trigger to implement it, so that it will not cause the problem of too large a state. AggregateFunction combined with custom triggers Flink only needs to […]