Revealing the MVVM architecture under the Vue framework: the technical details behind two-way data binding

Jiangcheng Cheerful Pea: Personal homepage Personal column :《VUE》《javaScript》 Personal website : “Jiangcheng Cheerful Pea” The ideal of life is for an ideal life! Table of Contents ? Column introduction 1. What is two-way binding? 2. What is the principle of two-way binding? Understanding ViewModel 3. Implement two-way binding accomplish CompileCompile dependency collection ?Write at the […]

Elasticsearch: Search Architecture

Elasticsearch The complexity of full-text search To understand why full-text search is a difficult problem to solve, let’s think of an example. Suppose you are hosting a blog publishing website with hundreds of millions or even billions of blog posts, each containing hundreds of words, similar to CSDN. Performing a full-text search means that any […]

[ElasticSearch Series-06] Construction of Es cluster architecture and core concepts of clusters

ElasticSearch series overall column Content Link address [1] ElasticSearch download and installation [2] ElasticSearch concepts and basic operations https://blog.csdn. net/zhenghuishengq/article/details/134121631 [3] ElasticSearch’s advanced query Query DSL [4] Aggregation query operation of ElasticSearch [5] SpringBoot integrates elasticSearch [6] The construction of Es cluster architecture and the core concepts of clusters https: // […]

Linux implementation principle – multi-thread scheduling overhead and performance optimization in NUMA multi-core architecture

Foreword NOTE: The “thread” referred to in this article refers to the executable scheduling unit Kernel Thread. NUMA Architecture The design concept of NUMA (Non-Uniform Memory Access, non-uniform memory access) is to partition the CPU and Main Memory autonomously (Local NUMA node), and to cooperate across regions (Remote NUMA node), in this way to alleviate […]

book bookstore project (registration function): three-tier architecture of JavaEE project

The purpose of layering is to decouple. Decoupling is to reduce the coupling of the code. Convenient for later maintenance and upgrades of the project. web layer com.ydgk.web/servlet/controller service layer com.ydgk.service Service interface package com.ydgk.service.impl Service interface implementation class dao persistence layer com.ydgk.dao Dao interface package com.ydgk.dao.impl Dao interface implementation class Entity bean object com.ydgk.pojo/entity/domain/bean […]

Based on the arm architecture diagram, the smart box (T906G) ubuntu20.04 builds open-ai Whisper and realizes speech to text.

Foreword The arm architecture is really not fun. You can’t just rely on Baidu for strange error reports. Google is a must. Don’t be afraid of foreign blogs. Text 1. Hardware introduction The picture shows the built-in ubuntu20.04 system of the smart box. The built-in default python is 3.8. There is an nvidia graphics card, […]

Using MyBatis in WEB applications (using the MVC architecture pattern)

2023.10.30 This chapter will use MyBatis in a web application to implement a bank transfer function. The overall architecture adopts the MVC architecture pattern. Initialization of database tables Initial configuration of the environment Configuration of web.xml file: <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?> <web-app xmlns=”” xmlns:xsi=”” xsi:schemaLocation=”” version=”4.0″ metadata-complete=”false”> <!– <servlet>–> <!– <servlet-name>test</servlet-name>–> <!– <servlet-class>bank.web.AccountServlet</servlet-class>–> <!– </servlet>–> […]

Some basic image preprocessing—normalize the scale of all pictures in a file, view the RGB value of each pixel, switch the specified color to white, and switch all pictures in the file from png to jpg

Table of Contents 1. Normalize the scale of all pictures in a file 2. View the RGB value of each pixel of an image 3. Switch the specified color to other colors (switch red to white in the code) 4. Switch all pictures in a file from png to jpg 5. Rename all images in […]